We work more today than ever. Why?

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People in the past worked less than we do today. This is a wage slave fact. Most 9-5 workers don't know this. From Medieval peasants to pre-Industrial workers, there was more free time and flexibility than in today's rigid 40-hour workweek. We explore how the Industrial Revolution reshaped labor, leading to today’s relentless grind. Women face the added burden of balancing careers and family, leading many into a modern form of wage slavery. Are we truly free, or are we trapped in a system designed to exploit our labor? Watch to learn the historical facts and question today’s work culture.

00:00 Introduction - why we work more today than ever
02:19 Part I - the middle ages
04:19 Part II - the pre industrial revolution era
06:11 Part III - The wage slave era (today)
09:41 Part IV - the 40-hour workweek
12:39 Conclusion
14:22 Behind the scenes vlog







Thank you for watching!

#TomScryleus #EscapeWageSlavery #Escape9to5ratrace
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People will call you lazy and treat you like a waste of oxygen if you have trouble participating in this shitty scam of living as well 🙄


The powers that be just found another way to make us slaves after traditional slavery was abolished. I've always felt that the 40-hour work week was unnatural when I started work at 16. I remember being tired all the time on my days off and just not enjoying life anymore after I was expected to be an adult. That has continued happening to me, and I'm 38 now. Humans are like big predators, we are meant to work hard for short amounts of time and rest/socialize the rest of the time.


In Asian societies, things have gotten so bad that the younger generation is pushing back against brutal work expectations. Change is slow!


On a serious note, people back then had a community which is extremely important. Everyone in the village had a role and they all worked as a team to survive. They all laughed together and helped eachother. Nowadays you have nobody, maybe a significant other if you're lucky but its becoming rare. Now you're just told to pay a therapist to pretend to be your friend for one hour.


Today, if I have no job, I can not afford a comfortable life. If I have a job, I can not afford a comfortable life.


They will guilt trip you into working more hours with the lie that your life is easier than your ancestors. Meanwhile, these same people are taking luxurious vacations.


I think work is necessary. The problem is that small groups of people are stealing the wealth created by the people who actually do the work.


I don’t wanna work anymore. At all. I’m tired. I’m tired of being a human battery that has to go back and forth to a place I don’t wanna be, just to eat and pay for a somewhere to live that I barely get to spend time in coz I’m always at work. And still being broke at the end of the month even after 42.5 hours a week. It’s not even 9-5 anymore, my job is 8:30-5.


Nobody would mind working hard if it actually got you anywhere near your goals in life. The harder you work, the more expensive everything becomes as the years pass by.

A good example is the guy dreaming to buy a house and hes working real hard for years to save up for a downpayment on a house. Once he reaches that amount needed the house has risen in price and interest rates has gone up. He now needs 30% more money. So he keeps on grinding another 3 years saving as hard as he can, only for the process to repeat.

Until the day he dies and the money he had saved is taxed by 40% and then given to any remaining relatives who will carry on spinning the same wheel their passed away relative did.

Its a waste of your life. Let the rich and their assets rot, us poors will never catch up while their money and asset values multiply again and again and again until the wealth gap is so huge we can no longer afford to eat and then the revolution begins


When women first entered the workforce, the number of workers doubled. It is essential to reduce the workweek from 40 hours to 20 hours to reflect this change. With the additional factor of immigration, further reduction to a 15-hour workweek is necessary to keep unemployment low and wages high.


I work for 2 hours per day, 6 or 5 days per week. I work online and it is barely enough to pay bills, but its still better than being a wage slave.


Now your expected to work as fast as a computer. Work in multiple time zones and for my small business even on Sundays. Sometimes I work 14 days in a row. That’s why people are loosing their minds.


Ever since I started working my 8.30am to 6pm dead end job, I've become unable to enjoy my weekends as I've had to squeeze in chores & prep work for the coming work week on top of doing things I was unable to do after work hours purely out of exhaustion. I can't remember the last time I was actually well rested and happy ever since I started working.


I had an epiphany yesterday -Why am I still working this much when I will never earn enough to own (Let alone maintain) a home?

There is zero reason to work anymore unless you have to pay rent or something, I currently live off of the bare minimum because my lust for luxuries is much less than my drive to work my entire existence.

Taking rent out of the equation I can literally live off of $200 a month easily.


There's one aspect I think should be added, as the pandemic laid bare just how terrible it's always been- the commute. Commuting to work needs to be seen as the unpaid labor, in fact arguably the cost the employee has to pay for the privilege of working. I wonder how long it took the average peasant to get from their home to where they needed to work on any given day. As companies have centralized their work spaces into increasingly inaccessible urban hubs, they have taken hours of life away from their workers every day. Consider that if you have a 1 hour commute each way, by the end of the week you have added a full work shift plus two hours to your schedule.


I'm done with the 40-hour workweek, Im getting out! who's coming with me?


Here in Denmark the goverment have just removed a holiday called "Store Bede Dag" in english - great day of prayer, and made it a normal work day. Its the fourth friday after eastern..
Many people refuse it and close there shop anyways. Even some schools close anyways.
People are sick and tired of we are forced to work more and more and more.
Our Prime minister also said clearly that we maybe have to work an hour more at week.
There where a big backlash about this and then she said, we misunderstood her?
and came with a long nonsens political speech without answering.


I work at a factory where hard work is the policy, but there's no reward for it. I've seen people who are Exempt meaning they're not paid overtime. They work A LOT!

It's hard to describe to a lot of people that there's no point working harder. There's no extra money or respect. You can climb the C Ladder but that's not a given. I'm in the USA, and there's this idea that if you work your butt off everything will just work. Financial problems, marriage issues, mental problems, bad family, boredom, and so much more will be fixed by working harder. It doesn't work obviously, but everyone especially older people act like it does and ridicules a lot of people, especially younger people for not working harder.


When we come to realise we own nothing and everything is borrowed then we will realise wealth means nothing because its all temporary.

Enough is enough.


Hunter Gatherers worked around 15 hours a week, i believe the piraha people in the amazone today are a good example of that. And they retire at 40 since the young bring in enough food. When agriculture started, they started to work more hours and got more stress. Slavery became an issue, and slavery hasn't ended since then, we are all slaves. Most people don't take the red pill, so they rather call it employee.
