#4 Retrofit Android Tutorial - REST API Project using SLIM

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In this video we will create our API project using SLIM 3.

For a written blog tutorial you can visit this link:

You will need:

What is Retrofit?
Retrofit is a type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java. You can make network requests using Retrofit and it is used in android to call RESTful APIs.

Why Retrofit?
Though it is not necessary that you use a library like Retrofit for the network calls in your application. But if you will not use a library you have to take care of a lot of things, and it increases the task and amount of code.
Whereas Retrofit has predefined methods to quickly perform network requests. We also have other libraries in android for example volley, but if you are still using Volley for network operations then it is highly recommended that you should migrate to retrofit now. Retrofit is better than volley.

In this Retrofit Android Tutorial series we will learn a lot of things. We will learn
- Building RESTful API using SLIM framework
- Making the calls from our android app using Retrofit
- We will also learn deploying the REST API

If you need the source code you can get it from this link:

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Рекомендации по теме

If you want to build a proper API from your backend using Laravel Framework


i having try to fix this error but it cant plase sir help me
Fatal error: Uncaught Not found. in


after following your videp step by step I got error in this starting only.

404 Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80


To everyone getting this stupid Fatal error: Uncaught blah blah bullshit.

Simply change your code a little.
Right now, you all have this code:
$app->get('/hello/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) { ... }

Change it to full naming convention:
$app->get('/MyApi/public/hello/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) { .. }



im using ubuntu and for some reason its not creating the vendor directory i don't see any vendor directory in my project folder, please help.


Finally i got success in this video and now it's working fine. Awesome work Android Programmer Simplified Coding


hello my friend i do what you say in this video
(#1 Kotlin Retrofit Tutorial - Introduction)e
and it work
but i don't know how to install slim version 3
to make a new program
in beginner


what to do about it

Failed to download slim/slim-skeleton from dist: The zip extension and unzip/7z commands are both missing, skipping.
The php.ini used by your command-line PHP is: C:\xampp\php\php.ini
Now trying to download from source


hello, when i try to do as thee video I got this error


Hello, do i need to install and create api project to every computer server?

My created api using the same tools is working fine on my laptop (server). When i copied the api project folder from my laptop and paste it to server’s directory on another computer, it is not working it says “cant find the file on this server” using postman.

I tried to install composer but the same things happened . I think i need to create api project on that computer then paste my php files to public folder. I wonder if it works.


If I want to run this without xammp, I mean directly on my server ?


i m getting error
The resource you are looking for does not have a handler associated with it.
when i m wrting in chrome localhost/MyApi/public/hello Wearelearningphp


help me im getting this error

Warning: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in on line 5


Hello sir! Trying Slim 4. But it is giving me SlimApplicationError. I just installed composer and created a Slim project skeleton, then I copied the php code for slim to the index.php page and tried to run the app using xampp. Kindly help me resolve the issue.

Thanks in advance.
Cheers :-)


i am getting permission denied error mkdir(), how can i correct it and how to give permissions


Fatal error: Uncaught Not found. in Stack trace: #0


Hello sir, my play console account has been terminated. Can I use same computer to make app? I will publish the apps from others account.


Hello! I followed your instructions except i use my own database but when i tried it in postman this is what it shows,
"error": true,
"message": "Required parameters lname, fname, type, status, contact_no, password, picture are missing or empty"
even though i already do inputs in key-value. Can you please help me?

PS. Love the way you do the tutorials, by the way. :)


there is an error in cmd when giving command composer create-project slim/slim-skeleton project_name . its showing SSL operation failed . help me with this ASAP


some error in run in hello run program
Fatal error: Uncaught Not found. in Stack trace: #0
