Rough Ryder Marlin Spike and Spyderco Harpy

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Review and walk down memory lane with a couple of knives from the waterfront.
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First thing Thank You for your service. I was blown away when I first heard there were concrete boats that floated. Would have thought concrete would sink. BigRedEDC said he uses theMRlin spike as a shackle key when preparing loads to be lifted onto ships. I know they say it is for splicing and undoing knots. There are 3 knives I need to get for sentimental reasons. 2 fixed blades and 1 Ulu. My dad always carried what looked like a smaller version of Kabar fighting knife for yardwork, and my grandfather had an old straight back that he used in his butcher shop want to see if I can find something similar, and the Ulu my Mom got in Alaska. Great chopping knife for kitchen use. The one I want for me with no sentimental reason is a Black handled GEC #71 Bullnose. I have a sheath with 2 slots the bigger one has the Bullbuster in black so I need the Bullnose to complete the set.
Great video. Thanks for sharing.


I was an army parachute rigger, and carried a sailors rigging pocket knife. That marlin spike came in really handy for working out knots and tangles in chute lines, and the blade cut 550 cord pretty easily. Good knives for anyone working with any kinda lines and ropes, and not just sailors.


A half inch shackle might fit in that Spyderco but I kinda doubt it! The marlin spike is my shackle key of choice! I have one of those RR marlin spike knives and use it at work!


Lol!! “Spiking Marlins” that’s hilarious!!
