Arm Tech Talk from Kernkonzept: Safe and Secure Heterogeneous Compute with L4Re

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Get ready for another one of our Arm Tech Talks! Every week, we discuss and explore some of the latest trends, technologies and best practices in the worlds of artificial intelligence, automotive, consumer technology, infrastructure, and IoT. All Arm Tech Talks focus on the latest cutting-edge research, real-world use cases, code examples, workshops, demos, and more—and it’s all on Arm.

This Arm Tech Talk will discuss how a common software architecture for Arm Cortex-A and Cortex-R processors is the key to flexibly build safe and secure system architectures. The L4Re Hypervisor and L4Re Micro Hypervisor, built out of the open-source L4Re Operating System Framework, together with VirtIO, provide the abstraction. Based on this, a SOAFEE-provided virtualized autonomous driving demo will show how workloads can be distributed between a Cortex-A and Cortex-R system flexibly, employing individual system’s strength of safety and compute.

00:00 Welcome!
03:18 Meet our Presenters & Agenda
05:20 Automotive Trends
12:45 Cortex-A and Cortex-R
17:32 Software Defined Vehicle
22:00 Kernkonzept Hypervisor
30:55 SOAFEE
33:00 Demo
42:30 Q&A

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