Phil Robertson: What Really Happens When You Die

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Your words are very uplifting. I am close to your age, but forced to spend most of my time in a wheelchair for the last 25 years due to strokes. I was raised out west, spent 30 years driving buses, until circumstances moved me to be with friends in Tennessee. Then, a couple of years later, I went with him to a broken-down old house in Vermont. The cold is painful for me, and I dream always of being in the South or South-West. I need the freedom, the opportunities to worship God and His Son, which I cannot do around here because my friend is agnostic. I have no transportation, little money, and live on less than $860 a month. I keep prayer in my heart, looking these days for Jesus to return. I know how much better it will be in God's Kingdom!


We are all eternal beings. Decide where you will spend eternity! Heaven or Hell, it your choice NOW. Choose Jesus and Heaven!


Love you Brother. I love to see a member of the church stand for truth.


Death is not the end but the beginning.


It's for man to die once, then comes the judgment. So it's not the end. We have an eternal soul and spirit.


I'm not afraid to depart but how I'm going to depart scares me.


I needed this .... thank you Phil! My mom passed 2 days ago. God bless


How fitting. My grandpas funeral was today.


Get Saved and except Christ into heart. Get Baptized and have your sins washed clean. Be confident in knowing that the Lord's judgement will be righteous and just.


Needed to hear this! I went to the best man I knows funeral today and he was truly a soldier of the Lord. He would do anything for anyone and also would share the love of Jesus with LITERALLY EVERYONE!! He was my handyman and I would have clients complain about it lol!! I'm a realtor and he was the amazing Rest In Peace my dear friend Dave


I'm not afraid to die! I just don't want to be there when it happens!


I want think Mr Robertson A good sermon Annie's right for the men could live off the land


The greatest act of mercy God did for mankind was to keep us from the tree of life so we don’t have to live forever in a body that is corrupted by sin and death. I would not want to live forever in a sick painful body.


Religion is a dialogue with the unseen. I pity those who avoid and negate spirituality.


It's amazing to me how so many people treat life on earth as the be all end all of existence. If that was the case, what would be the point? Makes perfect sense that there HAS to be something bigger for us. Life here, on earth, in our physical human vessels is only a tiny little blip in the bigger picture. Fill a wheel barrow full of rice and pull out one single grain. That wheel barrow of rice is your existence and that one grain in your hand is your current life here on earth. Think long and hard about that and you won't spend so much time here worrying about everything. It's all temporary. Each moment is only temporary and, once it passes it no longer matters.


I live my life as if I will actually have to sit in front of St. Peter and go over my sins and whether or not I ever felt guilt and shame.


You never know. You trust our Father to bring us home at the perfect time. Both my parents are in their mid 80s. There were 4 of us kids. Two are gone already and my last sister is in hospice. This is all temporary.


I'm a former Catholic.
I don't mind if folks want to believe whatever they want, if it brings them peace while they are here, then so be it.
They aren't trying to kill or convert me against my will, we can get along.
Whatever you do or believe that keeps you from breaking into my home at 2 am and forcing me to shoot you and test your beliefs of what happens after, keep doing it.
I'd say my biggest issue with religious institutions is that each one claims to be the true and only religion.
For me, a higher power responsible for everything that mankind has done up to this moment and will do for the time into the future, heavily discounts mankind and all of it's accomplishments, as well as our progression from the weakest animal to the apex species of the planet and our occupied solar system.
But hey, that's just me.
We can still hang out and fish anytime.


Hi Phil, I want you to ask Kay if she wants to go do some projects like painting 🖌️🎨 or working with clay 🤔 (scratch the making clay, I just pictured that movie Ghost 👻


The holy spirit told me there is no border crisis but an opportunity to spread the Gospel to those who are oppressed. The holy spirit told me, I'm sending them to you so you don't have to go to foreign lands and be persecuted unto death. This is the righteous opportunity to bring as many will come into the kingdom of God.
