HOW TO CATCH MORE RATS & MICE using glue boards 🪤🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁🐁

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This guy has a 4 million dollar bounty on his head from the rodent community


I can't even look at glue traps. I have major PTSD from those. I had one under my bed and the mouse got caught on it. The wiggling from the mouse caused it to move from under my bed to where I walk. I didn't see it in the dark and stepped on it and my foot got stuck with the live mouse!! I can barely type this comment. Omfg it was horrible. 😭😭😭


Rats killed my mini chickens. I will have none of the “you’re inhumane” stuff. I will have revenge!!!


I don’t give a shit if it’s inhumane it gets the job done


Years ago I had a trash hoarding neighbor, he would throw all of his trash in the backyard, which brought in massive sewer rats. Instead of seeing an occasional bunny cross the street you'd see the rats. They started hanging out in our garage because it was winter and our dog food was right next to the door. The same one chased me and my friend on two separate times. Our land lord gave us a metal trap to put next to the entry point, I put glue traps around and on top of it just in case it was to smart for the cage. My dog was staying in the garage that night because of a leg injury and when I came home the next morning from work, it was dead. It got stuck on the glue trap next to the cage, my dog cornered it, and my other roommate used our wood axe to kill it. We started feeding the tom cats outside and adopted farmhouse cats to help protect the house and get rid of the problem. Once I learned about the neighbor down the street, I called the city on him and they closed the house down and brought out exterminators. The rats were eventually killed off.


I cannot believe that the people on this post is worried about whether the mice or rat live or die!!! 😊like what are you talking about? We want them to die we don’t care if they starve we don’t want to feed him. We want them out our house our children are scared.!!


“glue boards are inhumane” I know and I don’t care. If it works, it works.
edit: no, you shouldn’t leave mice on glue traps for a long time. because if you do you won’t have enough room for the next one.


I baited my glue board with a cookie and a kit kat and caught the little critter in the first hour of placing in at night. I put it in a box until i could release it somewhere in the morning. My mom wanted to get rid of it immediately, never seen her so freaked out ever.


Glue traps must be the most horrific death for rodents.


Sorry I use peanut butter in the middle and a dot of it on the edge to let them get a taste off that's in the middle of the trap works amazing give it a try


If you try to catch a rat, have two glue boards placed beside each other coz if they try to get away, the other glue trap will back it up.


I had a serious mice problem, they were running all over the kitchen at night around our stove and such. Set one of these bad boys and managed to capture 15 of them in one day. Absolute insanity.


I had a mouse in my room when I was 14. Dad gave me a glue trap, caught it with in 5 hrs. I felt super bad for it when I threw it in the trash cause it was still alive. Only used spring traps after that cause at least its a quick death.


I just caught a decent sized rat in my shed. I baited it with frosted cereal and put it smack in the middle right there on the floor. 👍🏼


Best rat trap is cat food with broken glass in it. They’ll be dead within a foot of the can.


Bro my wife's homemade granola balls really caught the attention of 4 mice on a glue trap one night. They didn't give a fuck about the glue if 3 of them saw the first one stuck on it


If youre an exterminator worth your salt, you don't use glue boards on rats at all. Theyll run off em with em stuck to each other and do some 127 hours shit to get free. Just use a snapper.


Is the bulk catch master glue what they use on the inside of self sealing tires?


Full support for twins, you are the rodent expert, a small piece of Blu tack will help to fix the glue board onto the wooden floor, and can be used reversibly


Fun facts!
If a mouse gets on a glue trap and you haven’t checked them in a while, there will be just bones and fur left

If you want to catch them with a glue trap but not kill them, use dawn dish soap and a chop stick to help get them off.

Make sure your glue traps are where your dogs or cats can’t get to them. If there face gets stuck to it they can suffocate
