English Woman Tries Polish Snacks

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See me open and try Kabanossi and Rewersy then wash them down with Kubus. I've never tried Polish Snacks before, so this was a new experience.

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From start apologize for my weak english :)

1 - on the revers of Rewersy package u talking about flavors, they was write about Sesame flavor and Herbes de Provence
2 - Kubuś - juice [sok] is in very meny variants of carrot juice with [banana, apple, peach etc], some have Carrot+Apple+Banana [very tasty] and similar variants.
3 - Legendarny Smak = Legendary taste [some people was write about this].
4 - Chilli in polish food isn't popular. Poland was one of the first in Europe with silk[from china], cheery, glassess [spectacles], spices etc from Asia. Kabanosy [dryed raw sausage] are very popular flavor of poultry, pork, beef. Some brand adds pepper or chilli, some add chocolade or cheese. I wasn't try this Brand but if u like Kabanosy so try all brands from Poland u can find, because every are diffrent like beer brands etc. :)

5 - In Poland we have a few type of snacks:
- Very sweet [every with sugar on them]
- Semi sweet [like some cookies, creams, jellies, etc. ]
- Salt [precle, Paluszki etc.]
- With Spices and Herbs [ Oregano, Rosemary, Mint, Cumin, Mak, Czarnuszka(Nigella sativa) etc.]
- With Alcohol [ very often chocolate+cherry or some type of cream with alcohol]

When i was in France, Netherlands, England and Germany, i was started to notice, that polish people eating very much meat [chickens and pork], bread, spices, cheese and dairy [nabiał] in high quality [sorry but in England and Netherlands i was often see low quality food :| ].
Something what i hate when i'm abroad [from Poland] i starting miss to fresh bread maked from "zakwas chlebowy" [bread sourdough] and "Zakwas Chlebowy" for a drink [something normaly for Poland and Ukraine :) ]
When i going aboard im looking to the shops where there often i see 4-5 type flavors only [ for example in holland - chezelnuts, chocolate, anise and licorice] :) in poland u can look on sausage in shop and u see 4-25 types of sausage for heat, 10-50 types of dryed sausage :) some type of ham and raw meat. Same with Paluszki and snacks, in poland we have Paluszki + Salt, + Sesame, + Mak [sorry i dont know how is Mak in english] and more diffrent variants.
Poland have only 38 milions of people, but we have very strange taste :) We eating from very sour cucumbers[kiszone ogórki] and sauerkraut, to very sweet things, and drinking healthy sweet drings like Carrot juice to the soft drinks and very strong alcohols [like vodkas 40%, Home made alcohols 60-85%].
We are only country on the world who make 95-96% alcohol for drink [Spiritus Rektyfikowany]and for food use, polish companies selling this on whole world, strange is that we drinking wery much strong alcohols[vodka 36-40%, sometimes 50%, and some people drinking 80-85% home made alkohol or Spiritus 95-96%], but we have one of the lowest alcohol consumption per person on year in whole europe :). Only country that 30% of people know how to make in home alcohol from everything [i think only russian are similar in this aspect :)]. In these days u can find in poland people who making in home with traditional methods home made sausages, ham, brain with eggs, kaszankę [blood sausage], sauerkraut, jam, honey etc.
Polish people very often going to forest for mashrooms [its like tradition :) to take a walk in 4-7 a.m for finding mashrooms :)], something ilogicall for England and Netherlands. I personally know a person who taking very poisonous mashrooms and making them eatable [boilding a few times] :). Every year when is season on mashroom u can hear in TV and Radio about Fatal poisoning with mushrooms.

In every country u can find some diffrent flavors, but only in poland i was feel that all shops have large spectrum of diffrent tastes of everythings. This is strange and hard to make in one sentences but, its, like u go to very expensive shop with special food from whole world, but in poland its normal and cheep. Polish all shops are like special exposition with unique brands. U going to supermarket u find all tastes, u going to normal small shop "delikatesy", and u find there everytings, very hard to write what i mean, but i thinking about something like Poland isn't big country [when u looking on numbers of people] but when u looking on food side we are like multiculture point in europe where concentrate food from whole world :), we eating everyting and like everything :).[personaly not, but as a country we take all what we can to eat like Snail roe "ikra z ślimaka" x) Mashrooms, or Vodka with Gold].


Wow, I am Polish and after this video I feel like I need to get Kubuś now!
I hope you will buy more of Polish food and try it soon :D


Oh, it was so nice to see someone not put off by carrot juice, many foreigners diss them :P It's a really popular flavour. We don't associate bears with carrots in any way, it's just a brand mascot. Also his name - Kubuś - is what Winnie the Pooh is called in Polish, so it's just a likable character.

Seasame has it's place in Polish sweets because we always had busy trade with Turkey and they arrive quite early via that route with other middle eastern goods like dates and almonds.

Chilli is of course not a traditional flavour but it easily found its place because of fondness we had for hot red pepper from Hungary.


fun video! my first Polish food video. in Canada, our specialry food section is really limited, mostly Asian and East Indian like Curry type ingredients. thanks for another fun video Valerie! :0)


After watching this I feel like I need to drink some Kubuś cuz I love it (my fav flavors are carrot and banana) :D Nice video and greetings from Poland ♥


We really like sesame, chałwa (halva) and sesame bars are quite popular here. Kubuś is the name of this bear who is brand mascot :D and carrot drinks are popular among kids cuz it's sweet but still kind of "healthy". It's interesting when people try first time snacks we see usually and it seems you enjoyed all of them :)


You made me hungry, I had to go get a snack.


This bear in the picture has the name Kubuś. Is a Polish diminutive of the name Jacob :)


That hoodie looks great with your hair. And Bears in the garden? Hmmm😁


love you telling me the carrot juice was carroty! xxxx loved this, do more.


I think you chose very SAFE snacks! Although I don't know if I would be as adventurous to eat them! LOL


Val, I really like these sorts of non-traditional videos. Just something different. Great idea. I am Polish, but the chili threw me. Never heard of it before. You really are being good about what you eat judging by the size of you. How do you do it? The people I know with type 2 have a hard time staying on track.
Are you getting a little nervous about the upcoming nuptials? I am.


Would love to see You trying others Polish snacks!
(Will wait ;-))
Have a nice day :-)


Pork and beef mixture is very common in Poland (I think in the whole central-east region of Europe). It's kind of tradition to ground and then cook them together (to make patties and sausages out of that mixture).


I really, really miss Polish food out here in Seattle. Detroit had loads.


Do not worry about 2 days window after open a pack of Kabanosy as can stay open for weeks in the fridge even when you start to see a kind of white deposit on it its still ok its just salt cristalysing. You can also dry them bit more. That kind of polish dry sosages can least months properly stored! So do not care about 2 days window whatsoever.


Your 'kabanosy' two day window has closed now but I would not put too much care to it anyway 😊
You can actually dry them further and see if you like them like that (I would). I actually did that with regular sausage (i.e. hanging in a warm dry place to dry) cause i like it like that. Regular being cured and smoked for us here btw. 😊
As to the bear Kubuś; the drink, bwing considered a healthy one is marketed to children (well.. to parents of children obviously). Hence the bear. More relatable to kids than a rabbit 😁. There is no carrot eating bear belief or tradition 😀.
As to the chilli; it's kind of foreign to the food cultre and somewhat new. Kind of became trendy in some ways.
And it's coming in strong 😁 We kind of seem to like it now.

Also, did you notice the name and logo of the Rewersy manufacturer? Man 'on' a 'horse' but just two legs under?
Well, here's a little tit bit of information about that;

All the best to you 😀


I need to buy the carrot drink :')


Did you eat all the tasty sausages? I love them 💚😉


Hello I am from Poland and like your video :) In polish language dziękuje is mean thank you so dziękuje for your video :)