How To Start Grocery Row Gardening

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What do you need to do to start a grocery row garden? What is grocery row gardening? Is grocery row gardening right for you? Let's talk more about this exciting permaculture garden system I have been developing over the last few years.

This is Goodstream #208.

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Just for a size comparison. I have a 32'x48' backyard. I have planted 2 fig, 2 pomegranate, 2 cherry. 2 orange, 1 apple, 3 avocado(3 in one hole) 1, nectarine, 1 peach, 1 guava, 1 Asian peae. 1 Buddha hand lemon, 1 grapefruit, 1 mandarins orange, 1 ureka lemon, 1 jujubee, 2 elderberry, 1 banana, 1 chestnut, 2 passionfuit, , 2 dragonfruits, 2 mulberry 6' a part, 1 Asian persimmons and 1 honey locus. These trees are fairly young 2-4 yes all kept under 10feet. It can be done.


David, you should do an album of faith music. I really hope you consider it. I like your music and when you’ve sung the gospel hymns it’s really touched me. I love it. Thank you, for helping us grow beautiful gardens. God bless your family! 11


You are the best!!
I take your advice.
I am a 60 year old widow. Twice, in fact. Keep moving! Use the chores to help you. Teach your kids. We're all just growing for the Lord's Supper.
See ya there :)


All music is good, just like all gardening is good. Different strokes for different folks. Plus some music is whimsical and teaching the young ones, which is just as important and worthwhile as the music that fills concert halls and shows your highest level of skill in your art.


I totally am doing this this year. I have a long row of young fruit trees and berries along my property line and I mulched all of them into one long bed last fall. This spring I’m planning on planting all sorts of herbs in there plus lots of potatoes and onions.


Thank you so much for singing Victory in Jesus. That was special.


I do most of my gardening at night it's about the only time I get a chance. I use a flashlight on my head


When I heard the guitar I just love this channel even more, what a wholesome personality 😊


Hey David, keep that weightlifting up, it really pays off as you age. Everyone thinks of cardio health around the issue of exercise (and it's important); however, the musculoskeletal system is equally as important. When you get my age (57) you'll very much appreciate all that weightlifting when you see how all your peers are complaining about knee, back, hip and countless other pain problems.


Hello David this is Ada in East Texas, USA...LOVE WATCHING YOU


Love your music and now I've watched most your videos I'm just a plant nerd who bing watches old and new videos about gardens when it's rainy outside.😊 Love anything with clean humor and awesome words of advice to grow lots lovely plants


I recently found your channel through ice age farmer. 5min in, I am glad I am not the only person who makes up rap songs about potatoes while gardening. I will let my husband know he is not the only one who thinks it is really stupid.


I love "Victory In Jesus" !! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and tips.
The song was an amazing bonus!
My family is working preparing property we bought for a food forest, while our house is being built. We have sand, sand and palmetto for days!
We have decided to try a few different things you have suggested to help make the soil grow able.
My husband and I are so thankful for you and your family taking time to help teach us! We truly appreciate you all! God bless 🙌 🙏 ❤️


Appreciate hearing your recent history fleshed out. Being a new sub and kind of bingeing your material it’s bee so interestingly strange to be in the Caribbean and then Alabama and then South Florida and then North Florida. I’m glad you’re back, too! And inching up towards my zone 5 in southern Vermont.


So glad the wonderful Jacqueline the Wild Floridian mentioned you. This song brought a smile. Working on your sweet potato suggestions right now.


Looks like I’m gonna b able to try this out… got some seeds picked out for direct sowing now, in the fall and am starting seeds indoors this week (I’m in the desert) … super stoked. But I gotta go prepare the ground too. Yay shovels & bio char.


My wife got me the book for valentines day, it came in late but also right on time.


Hi David the Good! I'm a new sub and I'm learning a lot and loving your vids! Thank you for the entertaining way you teach! Been watching all your videos and ready to plant here in Central Illinois!!!!


Hi David, Im Eden from israel.
Im a indastreal desiner, after wotching ur sistem iv started a grosry row up on my 30 sqer meeter balcony.
Using yor ideas and my understending of materials.
To creat a lighweit sistem❤


Was inspired to get started on the new garden after watching this last night, double dug two 4’x20’ beds this morning, planted one with old winter wheat seeds just to see what happens, gunna plant daikon radish and buckwheat in the next couple beds once the frosts are done here in Ohio. Cant wait to start getting some fruit trees in the ground.
