EX Witch tells all! Unbelievable story of Redemption you must hear. W/ Naela Rose (EP 160)

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EX Witch tells all! Unbelievable story of Redemption you must hear. W/ Naela Rose (EP 160)

Naela Rose was a Spiritual Coach, selling different occult “healing modalities” online, while being worshipped as a self-proclaimed “goddess” by my new age community. Her life as a Womb Witch (as she would call herself) was a constant whirlwind of kundalini awakenings, moon rituals, chakra activations, blood ceremonies, & conscious hustling rituals, and energetic upgrades, and yet she remained agonizingly empty inside until everything changed when she met Jesus. This is an unbelievable testimony of God's redemptive power.

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"It's time to give the spirit of anxiety anxiety; It's time to give the spirit of fear fear.."

Wow, that's powerful.


When she said that Jesus Christ said to her “I love you because you are Naela, I created you in your mothers womb and you are mine” THAT WAS SO POWERFUL to me. Make me burst into tears 🙏🏼🙌🏼 God you are everything to me ❤


I wasn’t a planned child. My siblings told me that my mother never wanted me and that she wanted to abort me. Later she confirmed that it was true, I wasn’t planned and she was considering abortion but her best friend at the time was a Christian and she told my mother that God had a purpose for me and to not go through with it. My whole life God has been drawing me to Him. I know in my heart and soul that my purpose is to serve Him all the days of my life. I'm thankful that Jesus chose me when He planned creation.


Her testimony made me realize how important it is to keep integrating my children more into the church. How exposure, even when not perfect is extremely important. Thank you for this.


When Naela started crying talking about the love of God, it broke me. ❤


I asked HIm to reveal Himself by hearing His voice. I kept shouting and crying this "let me hear your voice" all day long and right before midnight...I heard His voice so I definitely got what she was saying.. His voice was loud like thunder. I shook for a very long time. He did not have to reveal His voice to me but He did!!! I am truly grateful!!! Jesus is Lord!!! Lord God thank you!!! He is sooo good!! My Father My Lord


I had an abortion at the age of 19.
I never thought about it being to further myself; in fact, I don't even recall any "inconvenience" to myself an issue.
What drew me to it was being scared of my parents. My mom was in a very religious church, and I was scared of disappointing her and bringing HER shame - because that was the common conversation at the time. The 2nd reason was my father. I was scared of hurting him so much to the point he would have a heart attack and would die... bc when I was 7yo, he was diagnosed with cancer, and since then I was always afraid I would lose him. - I never saw my abortion as a "blood sacrifice" to the devil and the thought of that just DISGUSTS me, and saddens me in thinking I did something that hurts God's heart. I am sorry, God. Please forgive me, and reverse anything that "sacrifice" brought upon over my life.


I remember being maybe at my lowest point, drinking, sitting on the floor, crying because I was alone, recently divorced and asking why nobody is helping me....all of the sudden, in the fog of my mind and the dizziness I heard it loud and clear "haven't I always helped you?" I cannot explain how the crying stopped, I was frozen in the dark and immediately started seeing in front of my eyes events where I was literally miraculously saved from dying a few times (from being aborted, from drowning, in surgery, by car accident) and also saved from ridiculous circumstances where I put myself in danger by being reckless and I interpreted those in the past as pure then knew....that evening started a long journey towards being grateful and closer to Jesus and I am never losing hope again, and also not drinking anymore.. I don't hear the voice but I try to let His will be done all the time.


Before I was saved I had an abortion at 9 weeks and there hasn’t been a day my baby hasn’t crossed my mind! I have asked for forgiveness and know that I am forgiven, but forgiving myself has been a longest journey, it was done out of selfishness no other reason no other way to word it! I pray someone who is contemplating this evil disgusting act reconsiders their little baby inside them as worthy


This comment is within the first 5 mins. I applied for my children to attend a Steiner school in our city around 2018. During the tour of the school, I recall them saying no tv allowed at home until middle school or so. They taught the kids the story of Adam & Eve but also other creation stories and said the kids got to decide what they believed. They also practiced some weird dancing that I’m certain invoked spirits. I also recall the deadening and eerie feeling I got when I saw the High Schoolers. They seemed emotionless. Not smiling, not sad, just dead inside 😢. I’m so glad my kids didn’t get accepted. So glad I am saved now! God was surely protecting us back then!


Naela, never stop testifying, ...what a powerful testimony. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of our testimony!!!


I had also gotten to a place where I thought I was a star seed/ light worker but from the galaxy andromeda. So grateful that God kept me. The spiral that I was going down this year alone was absolutely ridiculous. I’m only just beginning to read the Bible and watch more videos like this one and I’m so happy that He didn’t give up on me.


I’m crying during your testimony not because of your darkness, but because of his light. Because I’ve seen that light and I know how he changed me. I am crying out for all God’s people who are still in darkness. Thank you for sharing your testimony to God, be all the glory.


few years ago, i was in a car with others and on a sudden i just felt peace, heard nothing, just see a white light and heard this: Turn towards God. it only took 2 seconds and after i was back in the car listening the radio. i started reading the New Testament and trying to leave the darkness behind but it is a constant battle till this day....Possessed people find me on public transport. A woman started stairing at me on the metro, talking to me in latin in a very dreadful, inhuman voice....dreaming about angels and evil spirits...and as a child i never went to church, never knew the Bible...So good to see these videos. Feels like, i am not alone. Thank you ❤


Watched the recording. When Naela started praying for the viewers I started to manifest several demons, one after the other. I was thrown to the floor straight from my sofa. My entire body tightened up. I could hear the pain in the different voices of each demon screaming as it left through my mouth.

I’ve been a Christian for many years but always felt that there was something wrong with me.

I’ve been in a non denominational charismatic church and manifested before but each time I never felt like anything had truly left and ultimately carried on sinning wilfully and habitually.

I am now in a Pentecostal church. (5 years).

Even since being baptised in water in his name and in the spirit I STILL went back to sin. Over and over again I went back to the point where I just believed that was what I do and felt like such an outsider to other Christians.

This is something different. Something I’ve never experienced.

Please pray for me and my walk with Christ to be strengthened and to be solid. I don’t want to go back ever again after what just happened to me.

Thank you


I have heard a lot of testimonies about coming out of witchcraft and this is definitely one that went deep. Praise God for another lost soul; winning other lost souls; and exposing spiritual demonic deception, evils and misconceptions. Evil is so intelligent but God is all knowing and he shines through the darkness and the darkness can’t comprehend Him.


LOVE Naela Rose! Her testimony is AMAZING! I am an ex New Ager, that has been walking with the Lord for 2 years, thanks to content like this for convicting me. Thank you Isaiah for sharing her story to your viewers, PRAISE Jesus!


Yes, I am praying for my daughter Abigail! She is so broken, so sad, cutting herself, hates her life, but will not listen to anything I have to say. She needs God's intervention! Thank you, learned so much!


Wow such an amazing testimony. I had a kundalini awakening and was hospitalised with psychosis. We have a very similar testimony. Praise the lord his amazing grace and mercy.


This is why scripture let us know that in our mother's womb the Lord knew you Jeremiah 1:5😊
