a complete guide and ode to CIRCLE SKIRTS 3.2.1

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☞Very interesting read and also quoted in this video:
01:04 Fabric: what to consider
04:15 Houndstooth, Pepita, Tartan
08:47 Circle Skirt Pattern
14:06 Curves, Length & Proportions
16:13 Inseam Pockets
23:52 Center Back
25:08 Waistband
26:17 Hem
30:07 Finished Skirt
For book and sewing supplies, recommendations etc. please visit my amazon storefront. These are affiliate links, that means if you choose to buy something, I will get a small commission.
☞TikTok + Instagram: @katerivanovana
#diy #sewing #pockets #houndstooth #pepita #circleskirt #skirt #freepattern #fashionhistory #tutorial
a complete guide and ode to CIRCLE SKIRTS 3.2.1
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