How To Make $3,000/Month In Dividends With Only $25/Week 💰

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In this video, I’m going to show you how to make $3,000/month in dividends with only $25/week. Throughout the video, we’ll be comparing 3 different dividend portfolios: one that has a low dividend yield, but offers a substantial amount of dividend growth, another that is the opposite and has a high yield but low dividend growth, and the third portfolio will be somewhat of a hybrid between the first two to give you ample dividend income that also will continue to grow over time.

The ideas and opinions presented in this video are meant for informational and entertainment purposes only, are not intended to serve as a recommendation to buy or sell any security in any account, and are not an offer or sale of a security. They are also not research reports and are not intended to serve as the basis for any investment decision.
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Which approach do you take in your portfolio: low yield/high growth, high yield/low growth, or a hybrid approach? Let me know in the comments below! 👇


I'm slowly transitioning to a hybrid portfolio to balance high yield and high growth stocks for long-term stability and growth.


I don't invest with the thought of whether something is hi-yld/hi-div growth. I just buy quality companies and ETFs and do so on the individual merits of what I am buying. I am nearly 58. Your portfolio yields more than mine and admittedly has a higher div/grth rate. Most of my dividends come from my Roth IRAs. My taxable accounts are slowly catching up to dividends produced from my IRAs while my IRA dividends are also increasing annually.


ThanX Ryne... Another great job and video.... Let's keep making money...!!


Great video Ryne. You are speaking my language.

I will add: Be sure to add extra contributions AS you save extra money, as well. In addition to, and not replacing, the dollar cost average that is on autopilot.


I'm slowly changing to a more hybrid portfolio. I'm getting out of some companies with high yield/low(or no) growth like T, VZ, WBA and LEG. I'm keeping some higher yield stocks like MO, MAIN and O. Basically trying to get my overall yield down to 3% from high 6% and div growth to 10%+ instead of the ~3% I have now. Even if I get less dividends now, I'm confident my future income will be higher and also have a lot more capital gains.


Hi Ryne
Excellent video like always. I started with high yield/ low growth but started now to buy high growth i think the hybrid approach is better.


Well done video Ryne! Really enjoyed it. Have a great day bud 😃


I'm definitely hybrid, with voo, schd, and far. I'll be looking at 1 more when I cross the $15k portfolio.


great video. what are some that are hybrid? You mentioned dgro for low yield high growth.


100% VTI and see you in 40 years ROFL

Joking aside, if young I would go the high Div. Growth route.


In my opinion, dividend growth stocks generally offer more stability and long-term value compared to high yield stocks. Even with a modest dividend growth percentage of 10%, the potential for increased returns over time is significant. Just imagine the potential if the growth rate were 15% or higher. Additionally, high yield stocks often carry the risk of price depreciation and dividend cuts, making them less reliable for consistent income. And then again it depends on how long your horizon is.


Thank you for sharing! what do you recommend on a beginner with no knowledge of investing?


keep pumping out those financial informational videos Ryne!!!! being that ill be 50 this year.... i would lean more to high dividend/low(no) growth.... I'm currently at 1000 shares of QYLD and basically rounding up my share count by 50 shares a month.... with DRIP, I get 10 shares every month, so purchase less and less....


Think about ya kids and their kids. If you’re comfortable just enjoy the ride knowing ya grandkids won’t be worried about anything.


I have started with high yielders until I reached $1000 dividend a year. Now I am starting investing in hybrids. I do not have time nor reason to "wait" for low yield/high growth at my age. I have other stocks (ETFs) too that are much for growth and yield around 4%.


Another great video. I am going to start this approach either etf. In the uk, we don't have DGRO. Is there a etf similar. Thanks


I mixed it. all my stocks are above 8% growth and some have a medium yield and some a low yield. So I have both -> strong growth around an average of 11% and a yield around 2, 4%


I use the hybrid approach Ryan. I have 71 holdings at the moment totaling about $50, 600 in value including $4, 000 in cash. I have high growth stocks with low yield like Apple, MSFT, GOOGL, LLY, NVDA, META, PG, AVGO. I have high yield stocks like Altria MO, ENB, Reits like O, WPC and VICI, and BDCs like MAIN, ARES and SLRC. I recently added three ETFs but they are only about 1% each of my portfolio. They are SCHD, JEPI, and TECB ( up 46% on TECB in about a year).


Hi ryne my porfolio tracker the dividend percentage yield is not working all. Any suggestion thank you
