Asphalt 9 LAMBORGHINI REVUELTO vs McLAREN F1LM - Max Comparison & Performance Review

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Introducing a new and exclusive video series in which you will get to see 2 cars put to comparison at their max performance.
This comparison episode is on LAMBORGHINI REVUELTO vs McLAREN F1LM. You can see their max statistics, test runs and performance review in a 1v1 comparison.

Lamborghini Revuelto: 4375
McLAREN F1LM: 4309

0:00 Trailer
0:22 Stats Comparison
0:32 Acceleration Comparison
0:45 1vs1 Run (Thousand Minarets)
2:11 1vs1 Run (Beach Landing)

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Asphalt 9 LAMBORGHINI REVUELTO vs McLAREN F1LM - Max Comparison & Performance Review
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Lamborghini Revuelto is now the top ranked car in the Class-B segment and top advantage of this car is that it is FREE for all. Anyone who will be active during these days can earn the car, which makes Elite Class-B TLE playable for everyone. Question was raised that does it stand it place vs F1LM which is considered to be KING in this class.
▶ Revuelto has leading acceleration which makes it a good MP car well. On the other hand F1LM lacks acceleration but every other element is so good that it makes up for its weak acceleration.
▶ F1LM has lower handling but it holds up its speed like Revuelto and sometimes even better, especially with a stable capacity of floating F1LM overshadows Revuelto.
▶ Time Trial also shows slight edge of F1LM but the narrow gaps also say that Revuelto is a beast car and definitely competes with F1LM.
▶ The nitro capacity of F1LM also provides more comfort in driving however Revuelto is still decent and does not fall into undriveable nitro.
Overall, both cars are super good in performance and does not fall very far away from each other. But when it comes to 1 vs1 comparison, F1LM definitely holds its crown. On a side note, I would prefer Revuelto as an MP car because it can take early lead and packs the ability to maintain it as well.

Minimum Drift Speed Comparison at 1:47
Top Speeds Comparison at 2:38
Handling & Drift Radius Comparison at 3:16


F1LM is still the undefeated King of Class B 🔥


Can you please do comparison with v12 gold b class also


Cars are almost the same.
However, I find high acceleration cars easier to use


New King B: best performance in Greenland, Rome, Auckland
F1Lm: best performance in Nevada, Us midwest, Himalaya, Cairo


How to get key of Lamborghini essenza scv12 in just one time buy?


Bro..Check this car acceleration with Evo Spyder..I feel it have fake acceleration compare to evo...And it's handling not perform like 76..I think this car need to fix


I still don't understand how always the new cars won't beat the old ones. Especially the Lamborghini revuelto. I think he needs to get used to the car more.


I think f1lm still feels better at beat time than Revuelto :))


Another TD comparison … hey, how do this top cars perform on rails?


PORSCHE 911 GT3 RS is forever Class B touchdrive king 👑


Bro you can do comparisons after you stop touchdrive lol


F1LM overall king of B class.. GT3 RS is the B class king of twisty tracks. Evo, and Revuelto, are overall really good classic MP cars.
