A Bible Study of Paul's Speech on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-31

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This video offers a preview of the PowerPoint slides and images that you are free to download and use in your preaching, teaching, and personal study of the Apostle Paul's famous speech on Mars Hill in Acts 17:22-31. I believe this speech is crucial for navigating the often hostile waters of our religiously diverse world. It, in my opinion, offers the hope of peace, if we are able to listen.

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This was so helpful and wonderful to listen to. Thank you so much. Greetings from Norway


Wow! I just subscribed. This is my first video of yours I've come across. This is pretty rich with factoids!
I've only heard a few people mention the deeper meaning of repentance/metanoia.
This is just my own personal opinion, but I began to experience change in my own personality (for the better) after years of being a Christian, when I began to get still and spend time with the Lord early in the mornings in my room. After a few days of doing this, the simple gospel became real in my heart and it just seemed more colorful and full of wonder. It felt like the Holy Spirit was making me more tender (I use to be very critical), and I just knew He could be trusted. It seemed like He was changing the way I thought about a lot of things, and THEN my actions followed. So I would agree that that is what metanoia means. A change of thinking which then changes your walking/living. He's indeed a good good Father.
Thank you for helping us understand the scriptures through your content Pastor Steve!


Awesome job Steve. Thanks for sharing. This helps me with my message entitled, "Christmas at Mars Hill"...featuring strategic evangelism. Like Paul I am using every pagan tool at my disposal to evangelize to people including Christmas Trees, Santa and the Cross. Instead of rejecting the things pagans can relate to and is connected to (by that rejecting them), Paul uses it as a tool to meet them where they were; he used it as a bridge to close the theological gap as a means to bring them to know the one true and only God!!!! Glory to God!!!


Very nice concept you have a wonderful gift. God called you to spread his



Thank you so much for creating the visuals to go along with your learning. So effective to bring home the meaning. Awesome job!!!


I'm using this tomorrow for my primary class at church!


This was actually very helpful! Thanks Steve!


I stood on Mars Hill many times in Athens, Greece. Your video has given much to think about the next time I stand on Mars Hill.
Kind regards from Ireland.


Thanks for your generosity. The ppt did so well with clear explanation. Keep it up! May God bless you and all those who are using and learning from your ppt.


Love this so much! Thank you for creating!


Thank you, Pastor. I am studying Bible Theology and this PowerPoint was so helpful.


Loved the effort for this resource. Thank you so much Pastor!


Thnank you. Wish I had this lesson from Acts about five weeks ago for my bible study. Good Presentation.


It’s important to read scripture in context. Paul did talk to the philosophers on Mars Hill about Jesus. If you go back and read the previous verses it says the reason the philosophers wanted to hear him was because he had “preached unto them Jesus, and the resurrection.” Acts 17:18 (read the entire account to get the true meaning Acts 17:16-34). So when Paul at the end of his speech said “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: Because He hath appointed a day in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained; whereof He hath given assurance unto all men in that He hath raised Him from the dead.” Acts 17:30-31


Wow, I really love it Sir. Thank you Lord. You are such a blessing to everyone. Got an assignment about EVANGELIZATION and i think, I get to ponder about this verses more clearly because of the simplicity of this cartoon and even your explanation. The more simple things, the more easier to understand. Thank you. It's amazing to see how people really use their God given talent to continue to praise God.


nice job, short, and sweet, but if, I may add something, that might be when, Paul came across the Gnostics, they are a religious sect. that takes knowledge from other beliefs. And adds their own to theirs, they were called, the weed in the garden, they denounce Jesus as dying in the flesh, and also, tried to interduce false gospels to the Church, the Gnostic gospels, or lost gospels.


I made this account this morning because I was looking at the sky and saw a star so I downloaded the star identification app and it wasn’t a star it was MARS … I believe that GOD is real but something funny is going


I loosen the word of acts 17:22-31, 2 corinthians 6:14-15, matthew 6:24 to know the living God, while I and the body of Christ will not be unequally yoked with and have any common share with any evildoer serving satan, in the name and blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
