Are They Real Musicians or Are They Faking?

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not the first time i'm sure, but given that musicians are generally really protective of their instruments, eddy lending brett his violin without second thought just shows that they trust each other a lot


The girl who faked being a singer, that takes balls to do. I am a choir singer & I wouldn't dare to put my voice out there like that.


Bro. As a cellist that cellist did not look real at all. Don’t worry, guys, y’all are not alone.


I was looking at everyone's hand positions and how they were holding their bows and instruments. 15:10 first thing I noticed was his left hand. I stared at his hand posture until I realized he was handicapped. I'm so glad he was real and we got to see such an amazing clip of him playing. What an inspirational guy.


Dude you guys have demonstrated the "perfect" violin posture so many times that it's easy to fake it. Even I know how to hold a bow 😂


I love how all the real musicians collectively decided to troll twoset


I would say with the harp the same with the sitar, owning one is a give away.


That last guy was incredible. I cannot even imagine being able to play like that. Huge respect


They should do one where they have to tell between someone actually playing or someone fake-playing to a backing track.


There's this guy who "plays" an electric violin at my local grocery store for tips once a week or so. Would love to have Brett and Eddy take a look at him.


Erhu player here, the signs are very clear to me: 1) the most obvious is the way her left-hand purlicue is not securely anchoring the neck. She would not be able to shift positions at all with just the thumb loosely placed on the neck.
2) her rigid right wrist. A player's wrist should be at opposite 45 degrees angles to their lower arm when pushing or pulling the bow. The way her middle and ring fingers grip the bow stick is also not ideal.
3) the neck of the erhu shouldn't tilt so much sideways, especially when the left-hand positioning is high. If the left-hand position is low (towards the soundbox), leaning forward or slightly sideways would be more reasonable.


i'm a folk violinist and some of the bow holds i see on a day to day basis are freaking terrifying... some people look like they've never played before but when they do the sound is beyond anything i've ever heard. just goes to show that playing 'the correct way' and having every classical element doesn't always guarantee a better result (though i really envy classical musicians and wish i could do what they do)
anwyay- great channel, love your videos!


My 4 yo got chosen! 😍 She loves watching twoset with me and one day I found her playing her brother‘s violin with perfect bow hold lol (her brother couldn’t even do that…)

Finally got her to start violin lessons at age 6. She’s not a prodigy but definitely doing way better than her brother did.😂 And we can’t wait to see Twoset in person soon!❤


Hey, it's Otu and wow, I can't believe you guys posted my video!! You guys are the reason I started playing, thanks so much : )


To start, I am a cellist. The cellist that had the awkward left hand, the positioning is correct. The thumb gets just, in the way when playing high enough, so it can be used as a way to help position your fingers with the correct distancing between them. It also helps the thumb do something useful instead of so much getting in the way. It's just a nice way to tell where to shift back to and such.


This was a difficult one. The guys that faked were mostly coached on how to pose, especially the brass. I didn't see one decent embouchere (mouth shape, for those who dont know). Generally guys that are faking are easy to spot by musicians that don't. You guys didn't do to badly. Except you don't trust your instincts. You need a very good reason not to trust your first reaction; because it's not filtered by any preconceptions. Thats why the old exam rule of follow the first answer that comes to mind works so well. Don't get stuck on the details; that's where the devil hides.


The second saxophonist I knew was real because even though the pose is unrealistic - the instinct to put the mouthpiece in your mouth properly even when you're posing or messing about is too strong 🤣. I played clarinet for nearly 10 years, and saxophone for a few of those towards the end and even though it's been 10 years since I've played consistently I naturally put my vape in my mouth with that embouchure 😅


10:29-10:37 Their reactions are so priceless, the amount of confusion whether it was a beginner violinist or someone who did not know how to play the violin had me in tears AHHAHAHA


I’ve played guitar for about 12 years now and I just had my first violin lesson last week. It went well and I’m looking forward to continuing. Thank you guys for the inspiration. Keep up the great work!



I'm a voice student. (I'm also a beginner pianist)

There are 3 ways you can tell if she was actually real or fake.

1) Her posture. You need to have a completely straight back so that your diaphragm is open (if that makes sense, idk how to explain it.), which actually looks ok in the picture. But, she looks tense. You need to be relaxed to sing.

2) Her mouth shape. That's a vowel shape, but very rarely would you want that shape while singing. Try it for yourself, do you think that would sound good while performing? You'd want your mouth to form a longer shape, with more space inside.

3) The way she's holding her music, which she actually fakes really nicely. It's up and away from her body.

Hope this helps in the future if you do more videos like this 👍
