PIC32-PINGUINO - Arduino-Compatible PIC32 Board

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PIC32-PINGUINO - Arduino-Compatible PIC32 BoardPIC32-PINGUINO is a new product from Olimex. This is an Arduino-compatible debugging board based on a 32-bit MIPS micro controller PIC32MX320F128.PIC32 microcontrollers from Microchip have the following specifications:1.Core MIPS32 M4K; clock rate is 80MHz clock frequency; performance is 1.5 Dhrystone MIPS / MHz2. 64 - and 100-pin packages with 512KB Flash and 32 KB SRAM3. Pin and debugger-compatibility with 16-bit controllers from Microchip. The board itself is based on PIC32 microcontroller and is well-design to ensure compatibility with Arduino ™ Uno. It supports direct connection of existing Arduino ™ extension shields.The board is designed to develop general-purpose devices. It is programmed either with Pinguino IDE modified to support Arduino ™ PIC32 micro controllers or with classical MPLAB IDE that supports debugging programming through MPLAB ICD3.PIC32-PINGUINO offer the following features:• micro controller PIC32MX440F256H: MIPS 80 MHz, 256 KB Flash-memory, 32 KB SRAM, 2xEUART, SPI, 2xI2C, two comparators, a 16-channel 10-bit ADC, 4-channel DMA;• compatible with existing Arduino ™ demo products and other resources;• compatible with Arduino™ extension shields; • mini USB connector;• ICSP connector to connect a programmer / debugger PIC-ICD2-POCKET or MPLAB ICD3 via PIC-ICSP adaptor; • UEXT slot for functional extension shields;• Low power consumption;• Power supply from 9 to + 30 V; • Built-in power regulator +3.3, +5Volts;• Li-Ion battery charging slot and circuit;• Wider operating temperature range from -25 ° to + 85 °;• Connector for an external power supply.
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