1.3 CHARACTER INFO! COASTGUARD! + 1.3-1.4 BANNERS ROADMAP!!! [Wuthering Waves]

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We really need another 5 star support!


The New charatcher have a good butterfly theme which i find cool. I dont care about how do they look as long as they are not bad. Animations and being cool>Being beatiful imo. Like Xiangli Yao have it. He doesn't have a top tier design but his animations are so good and he looks badass with them


I cant wait for Genshu lin😭 I hope he will have red black purple animations or Some things related to moon


Costguard is a direct translation of Shouanren from Chinese


Chinese is a tonal language, but ignoring that for the sake of simplicity, here's the best I can do through text:

Zhezhi = Juh-jee (ZH is basically a soft J sound)
Xiangli Yao = Sheeang-lee Yao
Shouanren = Show-ahn-ren (R's almost have a Z sounding quality to them)
Phrolova = Froh-loh-vah (not a Chinese name, but included it anyways)
Jiatang = Jyah-tayng
Xi Xing = Shee Sheeng
Geshulin = Guh-shoo-leen

I'm not a native speaker, but I have taken some years of Chinese in school and occasionally watch Chinese movies and TV shows. Hopefully this helps anyone who is having a hard time with the Chinese names!


For the love of God, when will people realize shouanren is just the Mandarin Chinese version of "coastguard"


Poor Phrolova being pronounced as "Phrovola" and typed as "Prholova"😂😂


2:03 Ladies and Gentlemen, please stand up for the National Anthem of PGR.


Coastguard: In my POV, I'd say that she is a pistol with sniper rifle weapon. The butterfly is probably her unique way to scope enemies. Then her being a glacio gives support to freeze enemies in order for her to give time to use her sniper rifle weapon.


I think Geshu will be a Havoc Broadblade that scale with normal attack, since we have heavy with Jiyan, skill with Jinshi and Liberation with Calcharo, so in order to sell they will probably make him a NA unit, even if after liberation like Yao and Calcharo, that have their kit counting as liberation damage.

I also think that if Camillya is not a DPS, she will probably be a on-field SUBDPS like ChangLi and probably buff havoc and NA so she can be future meta with Geshu, as I think that Scar is going to be a On Field DPS that Scales off Liberation so he can Pair with ChangLi.

Then we would expect a Spectro sub-dps that if off field and buff Spectro and skill for Jinshi;

A 5 star off field SubDPS that buff heavy for Jiyan, and out damage Mortefi and also give aero damage, so they can make other supports that buff heavy but different element buff having range to make other support units.

And, as we know, zezhi and coast guard as a team too, then we will have all elements covered up with supports or subDPSs to each DPS in this first 1.x patch.

Also no need to mention Yao/Calcharo with YinLin :)


Kurogames stop realesing females!!! 2 males and 82628373737 females wth?


Shouanren literally means Shorekeeper. I'm pretty sure the final version will adopt the Shorekeeper translation as well, since it's not a difficult ancient Chinese name to translate, and coastguard is a bit off the mark. The Shorekeeper should be with Camellya, similar to changli and jinhsi


They can take as much time as they need for Geshu. I want to be able to get him to R2S1


7:14 damn that banner looks so sick. the vibrant, deep colors. Almost reminds me of a naruto villain or something. He definitely looks a bit different here with paler skin and high contrast dark clothings so I assume this is fanmade, but nonetheless I'll definitely go ham when he comes out.


[As of today] 1.3 is coast guard (spectro healer) and You Hu.

This info can change in the future because nothing in 1.3 is officialized yet even inside kuro


By the way, her name (Shou-An-Ren) is likely 守按人, meaning Protector


We not even halfway through 1.1 yet as we wait for Changli but already getting hyped for 2 patches from now 😭😭


NGL, you sir would be the most updated CC that I am watching when it comes to WuWa 😂


For a game named Wuthering Waves, I wonder why we don't have sonar/sound or aqua/hydro element yet.


Coastguard looks like a support/sub dps. Maybe she heals using water. Especially when Camellya is 100% a main dps and is coming soon (I suspect because her sound effects are ready)
