Klaas Knot | President at De Nederlandsche Bank / Dutch Central Bank

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FEB Alumnus Klaas Knot graduated with an MSc in Economics in 1991 and completed his PhD in Economics in 1995. He is now president at De Nederlandsche Bank / Dutch Central Bank. As such he is also member of the ECB Governing Council, and governor at the BIS as well as at the IMF. He also serves as vice chair of the Financial Stability Board and chair of its Standing Committee on the Assessment of Vulnerabilities. In addition, Klaas is also part-time professor in Money and Banking at the University of Groningen and has published many articles in leading (international) professional journals in the field of monetary and financial economics. In this alumni video portrait, Klaas reflects upon his work and how his studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business helped him to build his career.
Dank aan Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid voor het beschikbaar stellen van de intro 'kluis' beelden
#FEB #alumni #klaasknot #DNB
Dank aan Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid voor het beschikbaar stellen van de intro 'kluis' beelden
#FEB #alumni #klaasknot #DNB
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