Lesson 10 - Exercise And Relapse Prevention

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In this presentation, you will learn how to:
- Identify 3 ways physical exercise improves your body
- List 3 ways exercise can help in your relapse prevention plan
- List 2 things you can start doing today to be more physically active

This presentation refers to one of our favourite relapse prevention resources, The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook, by Martha Davis PhD, Elizabeth Robbins Eshelman MSW, Matthew McKay PhD. It's a good idea to get your own copy so you can complete the exercise in this presentation. The book is easy to find online and often avaialable second-hand.

Don't forget to download our free pdf book, Make Your Last Relapse the Last, and use it to create your own relapse prevention plan:

If you would prefer to read the free lessons at your own pace, we have free web versions, please visit:

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