MASTER MODES! FIRST LOOKS [StarCitizen 3.20] inital impressions

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Interceptors actually have a purpose now 🔥


Thanks for explaining this. Conceptually it sounds like this system might make it easier to balance as well, since you could just tweak the rof boost between lock and gimbal till everyone is happy. The lack of reticle and pip however is ridiculous. How am I supposed to test without it. Not sure why they pushed this test with the basic UI needed.


"What's important is that you understand the model in it's entirety BEFORE you start making feedback, so that the feedback that you do put out is educated and informed."

Such a good statement. One that I'm sure a majority of players will ignore 🤣


With the closer distances, I am excited to think about stepping away from repeaters to scatterguns and cannons. I'm incredibly encouraged by this, and I hope CIG nail it this time with constant improvement. It was a great idea to start master modes testing in its own AC and I think that demonstrates CIG's interest in getting this right, with dedicated dogfighters. Please, let's get this right!


CIG has had the very difficult task of keeping 6 DoF movement and adequate travel speeds, while having a flight model that is fun in combat and doesn't push fights into boring situations like jousting, while also making larger ships viable in fights.
MM seems like a good step.

There's a lot you can do with the new boost. Could use that to do a lot of tuning. Works a lot like how boost in Elite Dangerous works, but having a boost reservoir like in SC now is better and allows for more tweaking.

The gimbal change is also amazing. Genius idea.


Soooo… I struggle hitting my target with pips…. I couldn’t imagine without. You’ve definitely got some talent sir.


Such an excellent video man, great visuals, great explanations with clear concepts relayed. Thank you.


Bro, watching you fight with M.M. is exactly how I imagined it would end up.

Simply amazing! ❤❤❤


I love this change! Kinda reminds me of patch 2.63 back when I started. I love the lower capped scm, that gives each ship a unique feel. I also like that boost is like a big reservoir that slowly recharges vs the way it is now


1. A1 non-pip aim is hilariously good.
2. Ships in the speed graphic are wrong way round.
3. I’d really like a video on how well you can get and stay within 100-150m with this new model


That braking after the boost in scm mode seems stupid to me, youre in open space. What they shouldve done is make it so that boosting takes away power from the weapons until you let go of it and let it have a cooldown/bootup of the weapons. Thats seems to make more sense to me


just seeing the Mantis have 2500 rounds made me happy, hope that rolls over to the PU eventually but doubtful they'll keep the ammo that high would be nice tho


1:00 Sorry but CIG has shown one thing, once something comes into the PTU other than minor changes, It is there to stay. IE. Inventory. This is the final flight model because this is what being used SQ42. But Let's see what it can do!


i dunno anything about dog fight but this fight looks more tense than fights we have with the current flight model


I know that you have diffetent priorities in tha game than me do my take on that May be intetesting view from the other side. I know you prefer gameplay over everything but i dont. For me the why stát citizen is better that other space games was always immersion. Sadly this Master mode solution of gameplay problem ruins immersion for me terribly because its absolute rape of verse physical laws and there isnt any valid reason in the verse why would these mods exist. We are talking about speeds of jet planes and they dont need Quantum buble to go faster. In terms of space speeds >1000m/s is nothing..


God I hate to be the hater but I just don’t like this at all, I know speeds have been an issue for pvp but damn max speeds of 250ish is killing me inside


the lack of pip honestly adds a lot, i really really hope they make a super non-intrusive way to track so you can actually see the ship


this first look at master mode, im liking it. anytime i would play ive always made it a habit to keep my max flight speed at the SCM mark and not going over it as often as possible. it has always been a pet peeve of mine that we were able to go past SCM and remain there as though it was the norm. im so happy master mode is going to be the new standard. also the no pips is kinda brilliant to be honest. it adds yet another skill level that would no doubt elevate a players combat capability. i would want it to stay off OR maybe we could have the option to turn it off if a player prefers no pips.


I like the pitch up model. Make Sense for the thrusters to be the best at rotating the ship for pitching


I like the angel music playing in the background. God flies Banu.
