VIS 2020: VisComm: Workshop on Visualization for Communication

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VIS 2020: VisComm: Workshop on Visualization for Communication
Session start: Sun Oct 25 12:00 UTC-06:00
Session end: Sun Oct 25 15:30 UTC-06:00
Session Chair(s): Ben Watson
1200-1210: Welcome & Introduction by Alvitta Ottley, Adriana Arcia, Ben Watson, Robert Kosara
1210-1222: Mapping the Landscape of COVID-19 Crisis Visualizations by Yixuan Zhang, Yifan Sun, Sumit Barua, Enrico Bertini, Andrea G Parker.
Presented by Yixuan Zhang
1222-1232: COVID-19 Health Equity Dashboard - Addressing Vulnerable Populations by Star Liu, Dr. Emily Wall, Dr. Shivani A. Patel, Principal Yubin Park.
Presented by Star Liu
1232-1244: Eating with a Conscience: Toward a Visual and Contextual Nutrition Facts Label by Darius Coelho, Helen He, Maxim Baduk, Klaus Mueller.
Presented by Darius Coelho
1244-1256: Making Numbers Meaningful – improving how we communicate numbers to patients and the public by Dr. Natalie Benda, Brian Zikmund-Fisher, Mohit Manoj Sharma, Jessica Ancker.
Presented by Natalie Benda
1256-1306: Customized visualizations for audience-oriented communication in COVID-19 tracking story by Liuhuaying Yang, Hui Cheng Ang, Shuyang Wang.
Presented by Liuhuaying Yang
1306-1318: Does Interaction Improve Bayesian Reasoning with Visualization? by Ab Mosca, Alvitta Ottley, Remco Chang.
Presented by Ab Mosca
1318-1330: Flex Time & Brief Session Close by Adriana Arcia
1400-1412: Variable Biases: A Study of Scientists' Interpretation of Plot Types Commonly Used in Scientific Communication by Laura Matzen, Kristin Divis, Michael Haass, Dr. Deborah Cronin.
Presented by Laura Matzen
1412-1422: How do taxes, benefits and public spending evolve for a taxpayer during their lifetime? by François Lévesque, Luc Godbout, Michaël Robert-Angers, Thomas Hurtut.
Presented by Thomas Hurtut
1422-1434: Applying Racial Equity Awareness in Data Visualization by Jonathan Schwabish, Alice Feng.
Presented by Jonathan Schwabish (not recorded)
1434-1444: Tile Narrative: Scrollytelling with Grid Maps by Pratap Vardhan.
Presented by Pratap Vardhan
1444-1456: Position: Visual Sentences: Definitions and Applications by Mark Livingston, Derek Brock.
Presented by Mark Livingston (not recorded)
1456-1506: Analyzing Dorian Twitter data to understand how hurricane risk communication changes as threats unfold by Qian Ma, Barbara Millet.
Presented by Qian Ma
1506-1518: Beautiful Visualizations Slain by Ugly Facts: Redesigning the National Hurricane Center's 'Cone of Uncertainty' Map by Barbara Millet, Alberto Cairo, Sharanya J. Majumdar, Carolina Diaz, Scotney D. Evans, Kenneth Broad.
Presented by Barbara Millet
1518-1530: Flex Time & Brief Workshop Close by Adriana Arcia
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