The Greatest Hymns of All Time - It Is Well with My Soul, Blessed Assurance and more Gospel Music!

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Immerse yourself in the spiritual richness of 'The Greatest Hymns of All Time' brought to you by the Joslin Grove Choral Society.

This soul-stirring collection, featuring timeless classics such as 'It Is Well with My Soul' and 'Blessed Assurance', is a treasure trove of the best hymns ever written. Perfect for fans of traditional hymns, this compilation transcends time to bring you an experience of praise and worship like no other. Join us in celebrating these gospel music masterpieces that have inspired generations.

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Thank you for being part of our mission to spread faith, hope, and love through music.

God bless from the Joslin Grove Choral Society 🎼🙏

00:00:00 ~ It Is Well With My Soul
00:02:35 ~ I Love To Tell The Story
00:05:23 ~ The Old Rugged Cross
00:08:20 ~ Fairest Lord Jesus
00:10:36 ~ Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
00:12:38 ~ Blessed Assurance
00:14:52 ~ Amazing Grace
00:17:12 ~ Just As I Am
00:19:30 ~ Leaning On The Everlasting Arms
00:21:22 ~ Sweet Hour Of Prayer
00:23:29 ~ I Need Thee Every Hour
00:26:40 ~ In The Sweet By And By
00:28:48 ~ In The Garden
00:31:21 ~ Count Your Blessings
00:33:18 ~ Softly And Tenderly
00:38:36 ~ Down At The Cross
00:41:00 ~ When We All Get To Heaven
00:43:03 ~ Pass Me Not O Gentle Saviour
00:45:59 ~ Wonderful Words Of Life
00:48:05 ~ Trust And Obey
00:50:18 ~ What A Friend We Have In Jesus
00:52:33 ~ Come Ye Sinners Poor And Needy
00:53:53 ~ Love Lifted Me
00:56:16 ~ Rock Of Ages
00:57:46 ~ Onward Christian Soldiers
01:00:24 ~ Praise Him, Praise Him
01:02:21 ~ The Lord Is My Shepherd I Shall Not Want
01:05:13 ~ To God Be The Glory
01:07:02 ~ When Morning Gilds The Sky
01:09:08 ~ There Is A Fountain
01:12:03 ~ Whiter Than Snow
01:14:14 ~ There Is Power In The Blood

#JoslinGroveChoralSociety #TimelessHymns #ChristianMusic #WorshipSongs #TraditionalHymns #InspirationalMusic #ChurchMusic #inspirationalsongs #inspirationalhymns #hymns #christianmusic #worshipsongs #praiseandworshipsongs #classichymns #Jesus #greatesthymnsofalltime
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I love these classic hymns. I became a born again Christian just a few days ago. I love Jesus. I am 77 years old.


May the God of all love and compassion bless you all where ever you may bee, we are all gods children. Farther we thank you for all your blessings and mercy. AMEN...


Whoever reading this, God knows what you are facing through, He heard your cry, He is going to deliver you. Just trust in him. Hallelujah


My God is Real and I am so glad I am a part of the FAMILY OF GOD. I am 79 years of age, and will be 80 years in August of this year and I am falling in love with Jesus over and over and over again. I rise early every morning to spend my quiet time with the lover of my soul, for I am alive today because of Grace. I can remember from childhood my father and my mother taught us these hymns when we have morning devotions and also sang them in Church. The deep joy to start my morning with hymns that are SCRIPTURAL BASED AND NO INTERRUPTION WITH ADS. God has given me faith to believe His Word and I am a surviver of multiple sicknesses but God has preserved my life for His purpose. I enjoy these hymns with great anticipation of singing them in Heaven with my beloved parents, siblings and families. I can’t get enough of these golden hymns, such precious memories. Blessings to all and continue to have a Worshipful day with your audience of ONE The Sweet Holy Spirit 🙏❤


I was saved as a child..lived a roller coaster Christian life ..I'm 63 yrs old and my life has been a mess from selfish desires of the flesh but God has restored me and hearing these hyms is wonderful


0:00 It is Well with My Soul
2:34 I Love to Tell the Story
5:23 Old Rugged Cross
8:19 Fairest Lord Jesus
10:35 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
12:38 Blessed Assurance
14:51 Amazing Grace
17:12 Just as I Am
19:30 Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
21:21 Sweet Hour of Prayer
23:58 I Need Thee Every Hour
26:40 In the Sweet, Bye and Bye
28:47 In the Garden
31:21 Count Your Blessings
33:18 Softly and Tenderly
36:15 Victory in Jesus
38:34 Down at the Cross
40:59 When We All get to Heaven
43:01 Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior
46:00 Wonderful Words of Life
48:03 Trust and Obey
50:22 What a Friend We Have in Jesus
52:32 Come Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy
53:53 Love Lifted Me
56:16 Rock of Ages
57:48 Onwards Christian soldiers
1:00:24 Praise Him, Praise Him
1:02:51 The Lord is My Shepherd, I'll not want
1:05:11 To God Be The Glory
1:07:02 When Moring Gilds the Skies
1:09:07 There is a Fountain
1:12:02 Whiter than Snow
1:14:14 Power in the Blood


Worship bands, and modern hymns will never come close to the simple truths of these lovely words, brings back so many childhood memories.


It is Easter morning
HE IS RISEN!! GOD RAISED HIM FROM THE DEAD! So that we could have eternal life in HEAVEN!! Jesus covered all of our sins when he was crucified on the cross! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Father God, for your SON AND FOR LOVING US THAT MUCH ❣️We love you❤ ⚘️🙏✝️🌎!


Recently i awoke in a hospital and said to the nurse, " BLESSED ASSURANCE, JESUS IS MINE"!
She sang and hummed that song all the day whenever in the room!


Just reading these comments brings tears.


My 92 year old Daddy is going to see Jesus soon …Come Thou Fount is my favorite hymn He LOVED to sing hymns


Bless YOU GOD Thank YOU thank YOU thank YOU thank YOU thank YOU in JESUS CHRIST'S great and MIGHTY NUCLEAR NAME YOUR only begotten SON we pray to YOU thank YOU thank YOU thank YOU thank YOU NAME above all other NAMES in whom All creation is immediately and permanently subject to HIM it is WRITTEN it is FINISHED hallelujah SELAH AMEN


It is ALWAYS spite of all the challenges of life because Jesus is PRESENT everywhere.❤❤❤❤


The old rugged cross was one of my son's favorite hymns. He was only 29 when he died. I know I will see him again because of that old rugged cross. I love you JESUS.🀄


These songs will never be out dated, l will not stop playing them till the big day when the Son Of Man comes to take us home❤


Jesus Christ is still saving Souls. For God so love the world, that he gave his only son. That whosoever believe in him Jesus Christ, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
The door of salvation is still open for you. Come to Jesus Christ now before it's too late.


Really it well with my soul, after loosing my wife on December of 2021


Welcome to the "fold" from a 79-year-old in New England 😊


Thanks for the old Hymns, we miss hearing them sung in our church.


This song reminds me of the day I laid my daughter to rest. I thank God because even though she gone, it's well with my soul. I know I will meet her in heaven.
