BEYBLADE BURST | Ep. 1 Let’s Go! Valtryek! | Ep. 2 Kerbeus: Guard Dog of the Underworld!

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Episode 1 | Let’s Go! Valtryek!
Valt Aoi and his friends seek out more and more intense Beyblade battles every chance they get. Their principal scolds them when they make a mess in the gym at school, but their dedication and drive catches his eye. Valt decides to become stronger by learning the fundamentals of Beyblade, but he's unsure where to start. Valt and Rantaro face off in a serious nail-biter.

Episode 2 | Kerbeus: Guard Dog of the Underworld!
Valt’s recent win leaves him feeling invincible, but Shu warns him that greatness takes tons of discipline and training. An unofficial rematch with Rantaro forces Valt to consider Shu’s advice. Valt finds inspiration for his next battle while watching a puppet show, and finds himself face-to-face with the puppet handler himself in the second round of the District Tournament.

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Welcome to the world of Beyblade; this is the story of a group of passionate Bladers who follow their dreams on an unforgettable journey to the top.

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