Essential Stardew Valley Mods THAT NEED TO BE IN THE BASE GAME

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Stardew Valley is already an amazing game, but there are dedicated passionate developers who have made some amazing quality of life mods that don't change the game that much but that do enhance the experience by a ton. These mods just need to be in the base game so that console and mobile players can enjoy these mods as well.

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some of my personal favourite mods are the "remember my birthday" and "remember my marriage" mods! they add the ability to add your birthday to the calendar!! for example, my birthday is june 25th so i would put my birthday on the 25th of summer and every year on your birthday you get gifts from the towns people and the quality/usefulness of the item depend on your friendship level- it also adds a new cut scene on your birthday where the junimos throw you a party in the community center! the "remember my marriage" mod just adds new dialogue relating to your marriage like i'm married to maru in my save file so when i'm talking to other villagers, occasionally they'll bring up maru and i's relationship/marriage. it's just little mods like this that help make the game feel more alive :)


Lily: everyone now has an special seasonal outfit :D
Gus: imma head out 2:45


The scythe harvest is the most crucial imo. That is just too helpful not to have.
I would also like longer days. In the early game it’s more crucial to make the most of your days.
I would like the tractor to be like the horse and have a stationary location each day like a garage. But it seems too OP to me. I’d make it only go in 3 tiles and only be for tilling soil and harvesting crops. Have it go the default speed of the player too. This way it feels like a natural progression for the player to get things done 3x as fast. And finally make it 150k gold and available at the start of the game. Have it be sitting next to Robin’s with a for sale sign. Alternatively, have it be an old run down hunk of junk sitting there and you need to befriend Sebastian and Maru to get it working again again. Either way, Maru can put upgrades in it like seed planting, double speed, and increased radius if you have the resources.
And can we please make Hoppers more useful? At least for the furnaces?


Many of the additions made by UI mods presented in this video are all included in the mod "UI Info Suite" along with other convinient improvements to vanilla UI. All of the UI chages can be toggled off or on so I believe it to be the best option.


I'd like to see a "small talk" mechanic added to the game.

Currently, when two NPCs pass each other during their travels, we might see them say "hi" or something in a conversation bubble above their heads. I'd like to expand on that to include the player when they idle next to a stationary NPC. For example, let's say you go into the saloon and you see Leah sitting in her usual spot. If you stand/sit next to her and allow ten or twenty in-game minutes to pass without moving or interacting with her, you two will begin making small talk, via the same convo bubbles. The variety of dialogue doesn't have to be too complex, although, it would be cool if your conversations were relevant to your recent in-game activity.

The main point here is simply to add a bit of immersion to the game to make the NPCs feel more alive. I hate going to the bar on Friday nights, when the place is packed, but after I've spoken to everyone, they either repeat the same text over and over or I cannot interact with them anymore. It's at that point that I've lost any immersion I had and now it feels more like some of my nightmares. Nightmares where I'm someplace with people, but they're all acting like mannequins. They're all lifeless shells just standing there, and I remember that I'm all alone. It's because of the lack of interaction between the player and NPCs that I see them as nothing more than routines that need to be memorized so I can give them stuff.

It'd just be nice to relax there for a bit and feel like part of the community and not the protagonist in a video game all the time.


I think the golden scythe should have the harvesting feature since it takes forever to even get it and it's only current feature is increased range


I like how My Time at Portia did it, you don't know anyone's location through the map right away, but eventually as you gain friendship, you get to see their location on the map.


2:43 so are we just gonna ignore Gus breaking reality


I don't think the Part of the Community mod should be added because that may make befriending pretty easy but everything else checks out!! Great video! One mod i'd love to see added to the base game would also be Stardew Valley Expanded. It fleshes out some systems and things, like people ACTUALLY using the community center.


The NPC Map Location mod is huge if you play with SVE and Ridgeside Valley, as well as other mod NPCs. The Ridgeside residents in particular can be world class ninjas sometimes


I would rather not have the “Part of the community mod” added to the base game, I think it makes the friendship system way too easy 😅.
You wouldn’t get that feeling of accomplishment from spending a lot of your itens, choosing the correct awnsers to their questions and waiting until their birthdays in order to befriend a NPC, if you just have 5 hearts with them just from gifting their friends.
I guess it makes sense for people who dislike the system, are lazy or just want to to get perfection without having to befriend every NPC, but I would rather have that as completely optional thing, just like it is as a mod today.


Ezlilly: talking about the tractor mod
Me: Freaking out about the spot she missed while planting seeds


I just started playing the game again after watching a bunch of your videos, and with being on year 1 winter the main thing I think the game needs is just dialogue for the townspeople, theres so much reuse of dialogue, so little acknowledgements of stuff like who you're dating/married too (even from the person you're dating who also all really need actual schedules) and things like noticing work done on the community center, or relationships with other villagers. Sometimes they all just feel a bit too bland when you talk to penny and she mentions that it's nice that theres a library for like, the fortieth time.


Being able to upgrade the scythe at the volcano would actually make a lot of sense tbh 🤔
It wouldn't be that broken too.


3:15 Sun Haven actually has a option that allows to set the time a full day takes from 20 minutes to ether 30 and 40 minutes, the schedule of villagers would stay just that they stay longer where they are at the moment since time runs slower or faster, the time they spend in mention destination changes to suit the game speed


I don't use mods, but out of this list, the only one I'd REALLY love to have as a base game feature is the ability to name chests. Right now I color code them, but if I haven't played in a while I forget which color is what. The seasonal outfits also seems pretty cool and I'd love to see it, however it seems like a lot of work for purely cosmetic reasons so not sure it has a chance to get in the base game. Knowing which animals have been pet or not has never really been an issue to me. I usually don't open the door to the barn/coop until I go in and pet all of them. One of the updates changed the cursor when hovering over animals you already pet too, so it's much easier to spot them.


Some of the mods I've taken to using that improved my farm life that weren't on this list are

Improved Sprinklers: increases the area of all Sprinklers, with Iriduim going from 24 tiles to 224 tiles or so, so I can cover my Ginger Island farm with only 4 of them. You can also adjust as needed, which you have to do if you wanna craft as any Sprinkler that had its range extended sees a massive increase in the number of items needed to craft (Iridium at max needs 9 of each), plus you have to manually click each tile you want watered. Time-consuming, but helps out a lot

Friends Forever: No more Friendship Decay for not talking to people or animals! Honestly, not a massive as decay is -2 points per day and talking to them is +20 points, but for those weeks where I was focusing on grinding the mines, this helped

Look Up Anything: Gains info on EVERYTHING in the game. How long until a crop is ready, how far into hearts you are with an NPC, what their Loved Items are and if you either have them in a chest or on you.

Expanded Dialogue: Just adds new lines for everyone, including Event dialogue. All canon-friendly and suiting for each NPC, including Abigail gushing about Fall 24th meaning she can game all day when you're married.

And I just got the Tractor mod and oh Yoba, never use it in the Mines unless you wanna cheat. Turns out you are immune to all damage while on the tractor, so you can ignore enemies and just auto mine like mad. It's how I've been grinding the Dangerous Mine for Copper and Radioactive Ore. And being able to harvest crops via it is a time saver for me now that I'm planting 300+ crops that all need to be harvested at once. And with how much it costs to buy a Tractor Shed, it is very much a suitable Endgame item.


I know I didn't know this until the past month or so but you can absolutely mod on mobile. If you're gonna try it, make sure you're checking the versions on files as they aren't all mobile compatible yet. (Looking at you SDV Expanded)


It's not a mod, but it's an idea that i think is awesome

*A custom farm creator*

Basically a map creator that allows you to create custom farms, it would be amazing


Yes to scythe harvesting and chest and crop labels pleeeease! I play on mobile so I can’t mod, but these would be so amazingly helpful!
