Green Spotted Puffer Fish Care

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Aquarium green Spotted Puffer Fish Care is not the easiest. These are brackish water and need a good filter.

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Who can give me some lowdown on snail breeder tanks? What species is the most productive? Easiest parameters to get spawning? Any pictures or personal experiences are valued contributions!
Looking for a truly explosive population of feeders to start up my husbands Pufferfish tank.

I just buy plants that are guaranteed snail free and wait a week or two, boom instant tank of snails. Haha. But you probably mean the ornanmental snails. I think, while each one has it's own unique requirements, feeding a group of snails lots of veggies like zucchini and spinach gets them in the mood.

not necessarily ornamentals, I should pry have specified I needed an explosive population of even the homeliest of snails to start up my husbands Puffer Tank Was already anticipating a diet of homemade Snello & whatnot to keep them- and the fish eating them- in the best of moods.

Ok yeah then bladder snails are what you want. Just have a cycled tank with cover, I'd just suggest any big piece(s) of driftwood on the bottom and any plant you want. Dont pay anything for the snails just ask for them from any fish store, they will have some.

I brought ramshorns (7 adults) they breed quick I got a bladder snail on accident when I brought a plant and 1 bladder snail has laid more eggs then my ramshorn. Bladder snails will breed faster than most, and small ramshorn snails breed pretty quickly too. It's better not to mix them though, because ramshorn snails eat the eggs of other snail species. I have both and feed both to my puffers.

Bladder snails will breed faster than most, and small ramshorn snails breed pretty quickly too. It's better not to mix them though, because ramshorn snails eat the eggs of other snail species. I have both and feed both to my puffers. I have snails in outdoor tubs with water plants (I'm in the tropics, so don't need to have them in a tank inside). But they're also established in my livebearer tanks and I just pull them out for the puffers sometimes.

The bladder snails look like footballs, and are on almost every plant. They breed fastest. They are all female, all lay eggs, and grow up very quickly. Ramshorn snails are second fastest.Malay trumpet snails are the third fastest, but they tend to hide in the substrate until they are overcrowded. You might want some for three reasons: 1 they hide in the gravel, so you might get a stable population in with the puffer tank. 2: they eat leftover food in any tank. 3 they're so cute.

Mystery snails are pretty fast breeders, but you have to leave space above the water for them to lay eggs. Also they get very big. I came upstairs and my cat was playing with a small brown ball. She only has one ball and it has a bell l in it. OMG I realized it was a snail. Those things can climb out of the tank? I put it back in the tank but I’m not sure if he still alive or not.

I also have reptiles and one of my cats ate a hole into one of my cricket boxes. I woke up to something crawling on me, and it was a bunch of crickets that my cat was chasing, and eating, in my bed. The buildup of ammonia and nitrates is what harms the fish and reduces water quality. You can add dechlorinated water in your aquarium at any time without bad effects, as long as the temperature is not too different and the water is reasonably clean.

As opposed to what some beginners might think, what gives the "cycle" to an aquarium are bacteria that lie within the filter media, not the water. Very few beneficial bacteria live within the water column. Tank water isn't cycled or not cycled. If anything never use old tankwater. Fish quite prefer new water (dechlorinated and same temp as their water). The cycle or beneficial bacteria live in filters, on gravel/sand, decorations, they do not live in water as they need a surface to attach themselves on.

No question is an odd question. If anything I am glad you are rather asking a question, so you can get things correct the first time. All right as for more clarification. If you have added filter media from your old tank, your new tank is already cycled. Though off course that depends on how much filter media you added. Now you need to keep those bacteria alive, which means adding artificial ammonia to the tank (since there are no fish) or those bacteria will die off. Also remember to dechlorinate the water as chlorine will kill the bacteria.

A simple example. I keep a couple of sponge filters in my sump, so they are seeded with bacteria. Whenever I need to setup a new tank (quarantine or med tank), I fill the new tank with clean tap water, dechlorinate it and add this sponge filter with an airpump and the new tank is ready for fish. Feel free to ask additional questions if you need clarifications.
Рекомендации по теме

1) The first fish you show is a Figure 8 puffer which is a true Brackish puffer
2) Green Spotted Puffers benefit from a Specific Gravity of 1.020-1.022 which is solidly in the realm of saltwater
3) because you should be eventually keeping them in a saltwater FOWLR/Reef tank, Damselfish or Clownfish make good tankmates because they are both dominant fish with different territorial needs. So the damsel/clown pair will patrol the live rock where they make their home, and the puffer will patrol the perimeter/open water. Plus thet share dietary needs which makes feeding easy.


I think that puffer at the pet store was a figure 8 puffer


Thank you for the video! :) I bought one red eyed puffer and ordered two green spotted ones last week, based on misinformation from the pet store. After doing some research after arriving home with the red eyed one, I fast understood that I did a big mistake.
Just got the message that the green spotted ones have arrived the store. Now I have to return the red-eyed one, re-home the rest of the fish and transition to brackish water.
I find your video very helpful in this process, thank you!
I think the puffer that introduced your video is a figure 8 puffer based on his drawings, btw.


Nice video! I'm starting to see Puffers get a lot of love in the hobby. I've mostly kept Puffers and Cichlids. My first Puffer was a Green Spotted Puffer way back in the 90's. This guy was huge. They are full of personality and extremely cute. You are an experienced cichlid keeper, you will see that this cute comical fish is more violent that the majority of cichlids in your fish room. Thats one of they reasons why I love them and you will too!


I have 2 green spotted puffer's as tank mates they get along absolutely fine, I just make sure they are well fed and keep your tank heavily scapped because they love to explore and get bored very easily.


Good job on the information also very good idea on taking your time and thinking it through before you buy. Puffers are a very fun and interesting fish I house pea puffers and one mbu


I love my Puffers! I have two Figure 8 puffers along with some BBS. They get along great! I was taught by my sister on how to go about turning my freshwater into brackish and thank god I had her! she used to have full Marine tank. <3 I hope my babies live a long and happy life.


YAYYY I LOVE PUFFERS and no way. Walmart???? I have 2 figure 8 puffers. They look similar. I love my brackish water tank its amazing it's a lot of fun


That first one was a F8 puffer. I do weekly 50% water changes. My lfs sells premixed saltwater so I buy 15 gallons & 15 gallons of filtered water that I mix together and bam. 13 years going strong. I also have a full marine tank for the big boys. I run x2 AC110 on a 55 gallon tank. My babies have WHITE bellies 24/7 👌👌


They gave this little type of fish as a gift, now I’m trying to learn as much as I can from this species so it won’t die. I don’t know anything about fishes at all .


Brackish water is super easy. You don't have to mix the salt and water and let it sit. Instant ocean almost devolves instantly. I have several different breeds of puffer and they are no more difficult than any other fish. Just different diets and you have to be very cautious with tankmates


So far, I've had peacocks, crawfish, loaches, and even ghost shrimp in the same tank with these puffers. If they are used to their surroundings, they won't attack far. Just don't toss a new shrimp or anything else in it after the puffs are established with their mates. They will surely target it then. They are simply not as aggressive as people say. Maybe when older. But at a small size, they are quite friendly.


I've kept my two for over a year now. They are at the 1.020 gravity and are doing well. I bought them together and haven't had any aggression between the two. Is realize this isn't always the case, I bought two as they aren't easy to source in my area so I drove 3 hours to get them. I assumed giving the delicate nature of the fish and being wild caught...I might lose one. But thankfully they both made it and really never leave each other's side... granted I know this is somewhat of a rarity. One however has grown much larger than the other... even as i make sure they both have ample feedings.... think it might be a Male and female. Anyhow i will say they are one of my favorite fish to keep and well worth the extra work, however i never wait 24 hours on water. I will say that i ran UV from day one as they are scale less and highly susceptible to disease and i attribute that to my success.


Cool video man, I’ll have 3 spotted Puffers in one aquarium, tank mates are Scats, 2 Molly’s and Acher Fish never had a problem with them


If you think the green spotted puffer is awesome, you havent seen anything. Go out and get yourself whats called a "Fahaka Puffer". I just got one myself and those things are literally mentally insane. Not to mention they are way easier to care for than other puffers because its a true freshwater puffer that requires no salt or anything. I just do 50% weekly water changes to keep the nitrate and ammomia levels down in his tank and thats it. They are super easy and very hardy puffers. I feed mine shrimp, frozen smelt and mussels while hes a baby. Your absolutely right about one thing, these fish literally act like puppies. One of the most interactive fish you could ever own by far.


I am so next on the brackish habitat, .. puffers are actually my wife’s favorite fish and now we are researching all about it.. thanks for the heads up on mixing water and best practices.. this may require some ingenuity with a 200 gal tank.. 👍🏻💪🏻🤓🌎


these are the most adorable boyos ever


That GSP you showed, feeding it shrimp...looks very stressed. You can tell by the darkening around the body(all over except for the very top, in your fish's case).


Go for it bro. I tried puffers a few years ago and I was a noob at fish ( puffer ) keeping. I had 2 green spotted and a saddleback puffer. I fed them the live shrimps, bloodworms, krill and snails. They lived for like 2 years but being a noob to them they would've live alot long had I known about the converting to brackish water. I know alot more now. I really like them and their personality.


Your video is super health full I’m a used to have one salt water tank. at the pet shop today I saw puffer that was beautiful I had to bring him home he’s only eating fish food and is in a tropical water 😞
