IFPI Offical Greek Airplay Top 10 | 13JUL2020 (Wk 28) | Melisses - Misi Kardia

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Here are the 🔝 10 songs in Greece as ranked and compiled by the Official IFPI Airplay Chart powered by #mediainspector, for the chart dated July 13, 2020.

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The Official IFPI Greek Airplay Chart powered by MediaInspector is a chart that represents the top 20 songs in Greece as according to radio airplay. There are "sub-sections" to the top 20, such as the Top 20 Mixed Airplay chart, the Top 20 Local Airplay chart and the Top 20 Foreign Airplay chart.

This is the Official IFPI Greek Airplay Chart powered by MediaInspector dated for July 13th, 2020. This week, ΜΕΛΙSSES "Μισή Καρδία" (Half Heart) remains at #1. Battling the top ranks are Κωνσταντίνος Αργυρός (Konstantinos Argiros) "Αθήνα Μου" (My Athens), Γιώργος Σαμπάνης (Giorgos Sabanis) "Άγρια Θάλασσα" (Wild Sea) and Πέτρος Ιακωβίδης (Petros Iakovidis) "Σ'Αγαπάω Σου Φώναξα" ('I Love You' I Called To You). Round up the Top 5 is Νίκος Βέρτης (Nikos Vertis) and Amir "Η Λέξη Σ'Αγαπώ" (The Phrase 'I Love You'). Πάνος Κιάμος (Panos Kiamos) "Δυο Μέτρα Ουρανός" (Two Meter Sky) and Νίκος Οίκονομόπουλος (Nikos Ikonomopoulos) "Σκάσε Ένα Φιλί" (Steal A Kiss) at #6 and #7. On their tail is Νατάσα Θεοδωρίδου (Natasa Theodoridou) "Παραδοθηκά Σε 'Σένα" (I Gave Myself To You). Μιχάλης Χατζηγιάννης (Mihalis Hatziyiannis) with 🆕 entry "Χορεύω"at #9. Rounding out the Top 10 are Καίτη Γαρμπή (Katy Garbi) and Αντώνης Ρέμος (Antonis Remos) "Κιβωτός" (Arc) at #10.

#Playback #Top10 #GreekAirplay #MediaInspector #Melisses #NikosVertis #Amir #KostantinosArgyros #PetrosIakovidis #KatyGarbi #AntonisRemos #Hatziyiannis

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