i built an *ultra modern* penthouse in the sims!

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Building the new house for my Nightmare Legacy Challenge!

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This video is family friendly, but The Sims 4 is rated T for Teen and this video is intended for an audience aged 13 and up.

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curved rooftop pools in penthouses really is going to be game changing


Potential names for Cay's kids (getting progressively more ridiculous lol)
- Liberty Bell (politician?)
- Slay Bell (influencer or fashion designer? marries Daddy Winter and has a kid named Jingle?)
- Tay Bell (handyperson?)
- Hand Bell (entertainer/musician?)
- Notification Bell (streamer?)


Penthorse is the exact type of crazy I was hoping for for Cay's house thank you simsie


If Nina and Glitch ever get together, what if they got a droid from Batuu and it was their child??

edit: because if they have an alien baby, Nina would outlive her child which would be really sad


I just remembered Glitch, the broken robot from the last episode, and Nina should repair them and finally get the love story of her dreams.
edit: I posted this before finishing the video and simsie said the same thing 😭anyways I definitely agree with that idea!


horses obviously can't fit inside elevators so i'm just imagining them having to lift the horse via a helicopter & carrying it to the penthouse that way 😭😭😭


I didn't realize you could demolish the walls on the penthouse builds -- what a game changer! Also (sorry if this is weird), but Kayla's shirt really compliments her eye color ^^


in the words of john mulaney: “the horse used the elevator? i didn’t know he knew how to do that.”


the jumpscare/slapstick comedy of jumping to the start of the penthouse build with a HORSE on the roof made me laugh so hard that I choked on my water and fell to the floor and genuinely feared for my life for a second


Kayak needs to stop saying she's bad at modern builds when this turned out this GREAT


I really like that you try to have your Sims live in quite a variety of places across the generations. I only have a few of the packs so it's fun to watch you play in maps that I don't have.


JUSTICE FOR NINA!! so happy she gets her own corner and bedroom, finally <333


Kayla talking about the chat makes it seem like voices in her head and it’s the funniest thing. “It’s not me it’s them - the chat” 😂


I'm always fine with them bringing in stuff from older packs because they always do it better the second time around!


Don't be sorry Kayla, I love your yapping and all your rambling! Seriously, I live a pretty stressful life and my favorite thing to do to decompress after a long day at the office is turning on your video and just listening to you talk. It's so comforting and relaxing, you have no idea. So don't ever be sorry for that, and thank you for all you've done.


My aunt in law lives in a small penthouse apartment (She married rich). it does have an outside area and she and they have a hot tub out there. They had to pay for the roof to be reinforced to support it, then they had to pay for the city to close the street so that they could use a crane to get the thing up there. So I'm just imagining all the things Cay had to pay for just to make it compatible with his parent's horse. XD


Kayla!!! This is probably my favorite build you’ve ever done. The color scheme is so good. I know you say that modern builds are going out of your comfort zone but I think you really thrive when you do modern builds!


ETA: Now that I've had a chance to watch the video, I really like this penthouse, even though my brain keeps worrying about the horse falling off the roof. Luckily, the Sims doesn't operate on real world logic. That aside, I'm super excited for Cay to take the reigns as heir. I'm always extremely fond of the male heirs since we don't see them as often. I also love the idea of Cay (and maybe even Eugene) dating around and then stumbling onto each other's profiles on he new dating app. That story line could not be any cuter.


Thank you so much for supporting Palestine and inviting small creators♥️


in my opinion on the "carrying features to different packs" thing I like to look at it this way. We got apartments again in For Rent and in Eco Lifestyle and City Living still is one of, if not the best pack. So that speaks to me how apartments being carried into other packs doesn't matter even in a case where it should being one of the biggest selling points of the pack. City Living is just superior tbh.
