Quacks of Quedlinburg Mega Box - Beyond The Base Game (+ UK GIVEAWAY!)

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Quacks of Quedlinburg Mega Box - Beyond The Base Game (+ UK GIVEAWAY!)


This Mega Box includes the original The Quacks of Quedlinburg, The Herb Witches expansion and The Alchemists expansion, all in one box!

In The Quacks of Quedlinburg, players are charlatans — or quack doctors — each making their own secret brew by adding ingredients one at a time. Take care with what you add, though, for a pinch too much of this or that will spoil the whole mixture!

Each player has their own bag of ingredient chips. During each round, they simultaneously draw chips and add them to their pot. The higher the face value of the drawn chip, the further it is placed in the swirling pattern, increasing how much your potion is worth. Push your luck as far as you can, but if you add too many cherry bombs, your pot explodes!

At the end of each round, players gain victory points and coins to spend on new ingredients to add to their bags, depending on the strength of the ingredients in their pots. But players with exploded pots must choose points or coins — not both! The player with the most victory points at the end of nine rounds wins the game.

Included in this box are:

The Quacks of Quedlinburg: the base game
The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Herb Witches: the first expansion, adding Witches that grant powers once per game as well as more ingredient books.
The Quacks of Quedlinburg: The Alchemists: the second expansion introduces nightmares, obsession, hysteria and a new laboratory player board.

Purchase the Mega Box from ZATU directly at:

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If you register an account on their website using my referral link and/or code you can get 5% discount on your first order over £60. And for every referral link used, the channel has greater access to further review copies for more content on the channel!

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One single batchelor from the UK talking about his passion for board games and the people who play them! I support small content creators, board game cafes and go against the status quo when it comes to the board game industry. I give my honest opinions without bias towards any publishers or designers and will not hold back if I don't like a game.

The Broken Meeple is a variety channel that hosts all kinds of board game content from reviews to Top 10 lists to playthroughs to live stream collaborations with special guests (predominantly small channels who deserve more exposure).

I look forward to engaging with you, the community on my live streams or in the comments on my videos!


00:00 - Introduction & ZATU Sponsorship
01:50 - Thoughts on Quacks of Quedlinburg
04:07 - The Herb Witches
06:00 - The Alchemists
09:59 - The MegaBox Itself
15:50 - Summary and Verdict

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CONGRATS TO "MHKEI" WHO WAS THE LUCKY RESULT OF THE RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR! Please get in touch (see my reply to your comment) and we'll sort out the logistics with ZATU. :-)


There is a user flooding the comments with a lame giveaway spam attack. I'll try to report them all myself but if I miss any, feel free to report them and don't click on any of their links.


Really like this game for playing with newer players. Bullet Heart might have over taken it as my go to light/silly game but definitely want to try Quacks with both expansions.
Also I just upgraded the Bullets in Bullet Heart and it did not cost me half as much as the deluxe pieces for Quacks.


Nice review and welcome back!, i've never played the game but I think if i get it i'd get the mega box as I like to have some variety to change things up as I go. I got a carcassone big box for a cheap price after only playing the game once before and after dozens of plays Ive never had the urge to buy anything more for the game or even used all the mini expansions it comes with.
Zatu is probably the best site in the UK, never had an issue with them and I always find it cool they ship games in reused kickstarter boxes, but sometimes my wife thinks i've backed whats on the side before we open it 😆


I have both expansions + shelded tokens in the main box. This box seems a bit too big 😅


I’ve always been quite wary of big and mega box game editions - I feel like I never end up playing with all the expansions (I’m thinking especially about Mage Knight ultimate edition), but this seems to be quite well priced in comparison with other big box game editions. Thanks for the review!


I have both expansions in my original box. No need for a bigger box at all.


If you buy the BigBox and the 2nd Expansion the Alchemists you have 1 more variant to Play: Wolfgangs Wechselstube, the Promo Expansion for the Base game. So the MegaBox isn't that Mega at all, because the price is just the same and you have more Variation of the game in the bigbox for the same money. Maybe you than have also some more Tokens cause every company that makes board Games always try to reduce the Material and the Produktion costs.


What a waste. XD Everything fits into the main box of the base game. Everything!


Not played Quacks yet but looks perfect to play with my family. Thanks for the review Luke. From the Uk


Hey! I'm in it - to win it! Participaring in this giveaway is like playing Quacks. It's a bit random, but if you win it still feels great.


It would be funny if the potions actually exploded in real life. Though I suspect it wouldn't really get past health and safety standards. 🤣


I haven't quacked yet, but I'd love to. Thanks for your review!


I just have base quacks and absolutely love it! Was planning on eventually owning both of the expansions at some point and when I found out that I can buy everything for the price of both of the expansions combined and essentially get the base game free ( in the US) I was like I'll just buy this and sell the copy of the base game that I already own. I'll just have to figure our how to store it.


I always thought of this game as a bit too kid friendly and simple and so was put off getting it for a long time. However after seeing some reviews I think it might be up my street, at least I can play it with 5 players with the expansion now! That is some good value for that mega box 😃


I would LOVE to win this! A friend owns this and plays it so much, they've got fancy plastic chips for it. I love how everyone pulls chips simultaneously so there's no big delay between turns, and the fun of trying to stack the bag in your favour and gamble for bigger points.


Can't speak highly enough of the value of this mega box. It seems too big, but when you bling it out (if you so choose) it actually just fits in the box.


I just purchased The Quacks of Quedlinburg Mega Box from Toy Street in the UK… All of the Fortune Telling Cards we’re bundled together and I would like to know which cards go with the main game and which cards go with the expansions please? I thought maybe the purple ones went with the base game and the blue ones went with the Alchemists Expansion but I don’t have enough purple cards… Some clarification would really be appreciated…Thank you


Just bought the Mega Box as the other box... with just the witches expansion was out of stock.... immediately looking for more compact ways to store this, really not keen on keeping the box it came in!


I agree with strategy 8 rating so long as variants are used. No matter how many games I played with my 4 year old, he always won until I brought in both expansions. Now, luck is mitigated by strategy and herb witch timing. I have yet to lose with the expansions! I'm also always well over 100 points each game.
