Bonanza - The Beginning | Episode 109 | TV WESTERN | Old West | Cowboy | English

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Free Western Series: Bonanza - Episode 109 - The Beginning - The Cartwrights find Billy Horn, a young man who was taken captive and raised by the Shoshone.

The Beginning
Director: Christian Nyby
Writer: Preston Wood
Stars: Lorne Greene, Pernell Roberts, Dan Blocker
Genre: Western
Country: USA
Language: English
Release Date: 25 November 1962 USA
Filming Locations: Paramount Studios - 5555 Melrose Avenue, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA


"While chasing some horse thieves Lorne Greene, Michael Landon and Ray Teal come across a white captive of the Shoshonis. While Sheriff Coffey promises to search for his people, the Cartwrights take Carl Reindel bck to the Ponderosa.

Reindel bonds quickly with the family especially Michael Landon. But the Cartwrights have some problems of their own. Robber baron type Ken Lynch is disputing title to a third of the Ponderosa. Reindel wants to help, but his kind of help puts him in a jackpot.





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Рекомендации по теме

Another reason why Bonanza is still the Best Western TV show of all time.


One thing about Bonanza (and probably all Westerns) that isn't always appreciated is how well the actors ride. They sure have great command of those horses. Michael Landon was one of the best riders I ever saw.


I’ve been watching the seasons and episodes in order. Can’t believe I’m watching episode 109. I started watching 2 weeks ago. Every episode is new to me. I watched Bonanza with my grandfather. 😍


As my mother said, when Bonanza was showed every Sunday at 6.p.m in my home country." Why all of my family watching this? They ride all the time around the exactly same hills!"
And she was right, and myself " rided" next Monday morning to the Kindergarten.
Love Bonanza 🤠🐎


I agree with Art Cook. I am grateful to you, grjngo for posting all of this great series, uncut and in HD. I started with episode 1 and am now up to this one, episode 109. I watch 1, 2, 3 a day. It's a real pleasure and my thanks go out to you for going to the trouble of posting them. They're a real highlight to my day. I remember watching them on TV with my grandpa. He loved Bonanza and Gunsmoke. We grandkids knew when he was watching these, we were to be quiet. So watching these brings back many fond memories. Thanks again grjngo!!


Bonanza is a gem!! Senior citizens should always watch this show. Smile.


Very good episode.Even learned something from it.Loved this show as a kid, wouldn't miss an episode.Also liked GUNSMOKE(that was my moms favorite)BIG VALLEY, MAVERICK, THE RIFLEMAN, ETC, ETC, ..hallmark of family tv.I know todays audiences would love watching these gems.


No words to express how much i love to watch them Cartwright's, it's a blessing to make my day, i just wait for d morning to come, 👍👌👌👌😍🥰😘❤❤❤❤⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


"Joseph? Would you mind not throwing those hanks of hair into the fire?"
"Oh, I'm almost through anyway, Pa."
Puts hair in fruit bowl. hahaha


Another good episode if teaching good from bad this was what the show was all about shame Adam wasn't in this episode thank you for another pleasant evening


Thank you
Must hv watched everyone as a kid but can't remember one, but is a great pleasure to sit in the rocker and see again,
To bad they don't make shows like this again , with some moral aptitude


I wish they would show more as to what happened to Billy and how he blended with the family after this episode.


Great series, then and now! Writers, casting, etc, all were genius, perfect.


👍very good episodes right from 1...Great actors, beautiful nature in and around, the dialogues and the emotions are quite natural and all the episodes come out with morality, humanity and with justice! I wonder as to how all the actors played so rich and perfect fit to their assigned characters or roles..! great series and takes one into the each and every episode!!!
Thanking the Bonanza and the Gringo-Western Team!


Thanks again . Love all these old shows


An interesting episode. Though full of stereotypes, the episode is consistent with the series' theme of tolerance, compassion and understanding. And it is very much a product of its time, industry and audience. A decade before the character of Billy Horn would have died at the end. But the 1960s brought many changes with a changing audience that was far more sympathetic to Native Americans and their cultures, a change that the industry was most aware of and willing to accommodate, within certain limits. It's the decade of the 1960s New Frontier that saw some of the most progressive network television drama ever created, from The Defenders to The Fugitive to East Side, West Side to The Twilight Zone to Star Trek. TV Westerns were no less immune, and Bonanza was a leader in compassionate Westerns. And, as always, every Bonanza episode was well-scripted, acted and directed with Paramount's high production values. Many thanks again!


With over 400 episodes I’m surprised this series doesn’t have a video game. A good guy version of Red Dead Redemption 2


This would have been a good episode for a part 2 .


Billy’s testimony that the dog attacked him was verified by a determination of the cause of death of the dog, a broken neck. Based on that, the judge found him not guilty of murder, but lawful self defense. Subsequently, Billy decided to return to the town of his birth, where his father was buried. He later became a successful and respected rancher. He married and had three boys, two who lived to maturity. His oldest, named Joe, passed at the age of two. His other two sons, Ben and William, inherited their fathers ranch upon Billy’s death at age 81. William became a lawyer so he could explain “white man’s law” to his father. William later became a judge and was appointed to the state Supreme Court, where he served for 32 years, until his death.


So much a person can learn from this episode, much
