How To Test REST API Using Postman

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Hey friends,
This is Victor once again bringing you another awesome tutorial. In my previous tutorial, I made mention of bringing you a tutorial on How To Test REST API Using Postman. I am here today to deliver on my promise. I bring you a tutorial on How To Test REST API Using Postman.
Imagine yourself driving on a road that you have not driven on before. Because you are not familiar with the road, you will take your time in order to spot where there are potholes and curves. This will certainly slow your journey compared to a road you are familiar with.
In this same vain, you have to approach your projects. Testing is key in software development. It is a recommended practice to test all your APIs or Web services before you begin with your integration. This will save you a lot of coding time and resources.
For this tutorial, I am going to use an API that I have created on my localhost. This API is responsible for accepting email details from applications and sending the emails on behalf of those applications.
Let us jump start How To Test REST API Using Postman. I am approaching this tutorial with the assumption that you have your Endpoint and your sample request message and postman installed. For this tutorial, I have a REST web service on my localhost and that is what I am going to use for this demonstration. Go ahead and watch the video as i show you How to test your REST API.
How To Test REST API Using Postman