Ear Training: Intervals [ONE HOUR]

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Hands Free Ear Trainer app is now available!
iOS: Coming soon!

Key features:
- Practice intervals, chords, scales and more.
- Fully configurable controls to match your level (playing direction, which intervals to play, playback speed, number of repetitions, etc.)
- Create your own chords and scales
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Thank you so much for bringing meaning to my day job at the office.


Keep in mind, shes playing the intervals before telling you what it is, not the other way around.


Excellent job! We didn’t have this kind of help when I was in school. We had to drill each other and nobody had time for that...


This was tremendously helpful, thanks a lot!


Steve Vai in one of his videos talked about this training, and that's amazing that we can find this material here! Thank you!


Thank you🙏🙏🙏 this is awesome because it's harmonic intervals!


Thank you! I'm getting better every day


Looking forward to new ear training videos😎😎😎


I'm finding it extremely hard to identify these intervals... Could it be the overtones of the piano notes or how they decay or the piano not being perfectly tuned? Even perfect intervals like 4ths and 5ths sound somewhat dissonant here. Is it just me? (Coming from playing guitar for many years)


Thanks for the vid! This really helped


I would prefer more a lesson-approach : first the name than the play... Now it is a quiz... But it's valid also in this manner... as a quiz. Maybe I should look further for that lesson approach.


I think it would have been much more helpful to me if the intervals were in ascending and descending order. The randomness makes it hard to hear how the intervals fit into a scale


hello does this video work have a pdf format


I was kind of confused there for a minute


Is it just me or are some of the major 2nd intervals actually a 1 and a 9, making it a little confusing


Thank you! But can we, please, have 7th chords too including the sus4?


Jesus Christ died for our sins. He paid the price of the crimes(sins) we committed against God. We broke the 10 commandments(the moral law) whether it be lying, stealing, fornicating, lusting, homosexuality or any other, and Jesus Christ payed the fine. Just like if you're in court for speeding fines the judge can legally let you go if someone pays your fine. There will be a judgement day for all of us and God is the judge. So if you genuinely repent(confess, apologize for and turn from) of your sins and place faith in Christ for your salvation, you will have God's promise and receive everlasting life. And you can trust this because God cannot lie. Even if you don't believe it it's still true. Just like if I tell you a train is coming on a clear railroad and you choose not to believe me. It's still coming and if you stay as you are the train will hug and kill you. Many people choose not to believe in God or make up a false God to suit themselves because if they believed in the God of the Bible that would require moral responsibility which we don't like. We love to fornicate, and lust and watch porn or lie or steal because it brings us pleasure. But the Bible says all liars have their part in the lake of fire(in hell). And it says don't be deceived neither fornicators, nor blasphemers(using God's name in vain) nor idolaters, homosexuals etc. will inherit or have any share in the kingdom of God. So please think about this with sobriety as you never know when you could be snatched by death into eternity. Thousands of people die daily from random things such as aneurisms in their sleep, heart attacks, car accidents etc. I'm not telling any of you this to condemn but out of love. If you were a doctor with a cure to a deadly disease someone had but didn't know they had, you would give them the cure right? That's what I'm doing now, I do this out of love even though I don't know you, the thought of you being damned to hell where the worm is scorched and the fire is never quenched for eternity if horrifying. So please think of my motive when I say this to you, I don't have anything to gain from this but you can. 💗 I love you friend and God loves you even more. Which was demonstrated in how He gave His only begotten son to suffer and die for the sin of the world.
