ESP8266 Publish/subscribe to Cloud | MQTT

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This is the 4th video of How to MQTT series.

In this video, we will learn how to subscribe and publish MQTT messages using ESP8266 (NodeMcu) to MQTT Cloud.

This video is sponsored by RYC1001 MQTT cloud by Reyax technology.

Also, I have explained how to use MQTT topics in a best way.

We will read the temperature and humidity values from a DHT11 sensor using Nodemcu and publish it on MQTT Cloud. The GUI made on Python will subscribe to the data and will show temp and humidity values.

00:00 How to MQTT Series
00:45 MQTT Topics
01:20 Best Pratice to use MQTT Topics
03:38 Tips to use MQTT Topics
04:30 Local MQTT broker Vs MQTT broker on cloud
05:15 RYC1001 MQTT cloud by REYAX Technologies
06:05 Using MQTT Cloud in our project (opereation Flow)
08:25 How to Publish MQTT message in JSON format
09:30 Circuit
10:45 Using MQTT broker on cloud ESP8266 code
17:50 Testing Publish and subscribe


-----------------HOW TO MQTT SERIES-----------------

ESP8266 Publish/subscribe to Cloud | MQTT:

Please watch: "How to Set Up Wokwi for IoT Simulation in VS Code with PlatformIO"
Рекомендации по теме

Also check how to make communication between esp8266 and raspberry pi using local mqtt broker.


Viewed the series of videos on MQTT. Excellent work indeed !. I learnt a lot in a short time!. Can you please make a video for the series : device - mosquitto - Nodered-influxdB-Grafana with a branch from Nodered to devices for display of data on a LCD display and also to turn on/off equipment based on some logic in Nodered (say LED on temperature high for example)?


Nice to see your video after long time :)


Please share the Code to learn what you teach in this video.


My temperature sensor is DHT22 what should I modify the house works


Hello, is the json format same for all cloud or just RYC1001?
