[The Logisticom 2018] The Messy | DHL eCommerce Vietnam

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**Facebook (4%)
1. Share the video on Public View Mode
2. Comment “Shared” and tag two friends.
3. Each Facebook account can only vote ONCE for each team.
4. Teams reaching 80 legal shares will receive full mark.
Others team will receive marks according to the Formula: Team A’s Facebook point = (Share of team A/80) * 4%

**SMS (6%)
1. The text has to follow the syntax: LOGIS18_MESSY
2. Each phone number can only vote ONCE for each team.
3. Teams have the most SMS vote will receive full mark. Others team will receive marks according to the Formula: Team A’s SMS point = (Votes of team A/Votes of the highest team) * 6%


Voting duration: From 10 A.M 12/12/2018 to 10 P.M 16/12/2018
***PLEASE NOTICE: Any team found with cheating or hacking conduct in their votes will be immediately disqualified and cannot continue with The Logisticom 2018.
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