Use VOTT and Create ML to create Apple object detection model

Показать описание
1. Software needed
Install VOTT - to labeling objects
Install Xcode -
write some utility to convert format
to get ‘Create ML’ app to train the data
2. Data needed
For this example, I downloaded some photos(30+) of me from Facebook, and put into a folder
3. Labelling photos using VOTT
4. Convert VOTT format to Create ML format
5. Use Create ML to train and test the model.
Install VOTT - to labeling objects
Install Xcode -
write some utility to convert format
to get ‘Create ML’ app to train the data
2. Data needed
For this example, I downloaded some photos(30+) of me from Facebook, and put into a folder
3. Labelling photos using VOTT
4. Convert VOTT format to Create ML format
5. Use Create ML to train and test the model.
Use VOTT and Create ML to create Apple object detection model
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