Brexit Negotiations: Parliament Loses Control - Explaining Brexit

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When Johnson brought the Withdrawal Agreement Bill back to the House of Commons in December it had been changed in a number of ways. One of the changes meant that MPs no longer had any say in the future negotiations between the UK and EU. Some MPs were unhappy about this so Labour attempted to get an amendment added to the bill, returning MPs voice in the proceedings. Ultimately that vote didn't pass, and MPs have lost their say in the future negotiations.

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So the conservative party has absolute and total control of the UK huh. Can't imagine that possibly having bad consequences.


1:34 seeing how Brexit has dragged on for over 3.5 years I thinks it's fair to say that Parliment holding the power has only casued deadlock, with so many MPs who will never accept a Brexit deal it's pretty clear that this was a good idea in theory, but terrible considering the circumstances of Brexit.


I've lost a lot of interest in UK politics since the last election. Over the next 5 years there won't be any struggle or fights. It will just be the conservative getting what they want day after day.


I've stopped listening to anything to do with Brexit. It's just too depressing. I'm now using my extra time to store up "I told you so" memes, for when Brexiters innevitably start whining about how they're worse off and "Britains going to the dogs" in the very near future.


Parliament have not "lost control". Labor have completely lost the plot and have proposed ridiculous amendments that are unnecessary and pointless. This was to make the "news" about their perspective or lack there of. No way would their amendment ever pass. Just another round for labor to stand up and complain with zero commitment to doing anything in parliament beyond being a waste of time and money.


What actually happened was May lost her slender majority and therefore did not have enough support in Parliament to get her bill through. This gave the Remain Alliance, with assistance from John Bercow, the ability to seize control. In an effort to try and get the Bill through May put some "sweeteners" in in the hopes that they would be enough to secure a majority. Whilst it worked to an certain extent there weren't enough MPs on board and she lost.

Then we went through a spate of MPs defecting here, there and eventually to the Lib Dems - all in an effort to evade the Electorate and de-selection. The Boris Johnson was elected leader and this posed a huge problem because unlike May he was not afraid to expel the Remainers in his Party. He demanded loyalty and in doing so managed to unite the Tories. The Remain Alliance on the other hand had fallen in to complete disarray. Their "People's vote" campaign simply collapsed (not helped by the fact that they voted against it...) Labour were all over the place. Jeremy Corbyn then demanded on several occasions that Boris call a General Election. Under the FTPA Boris needed two thirds of the House to do so, but curiously Labour voted to block the Government from calling for a GE - even though at the time they were still demanding that the Government call a GE. This gave Boris the upper hand as it was now becoming clear that Parliament were trying to avoid the Electorate (I believe because they knew they would get wiped out).

In the end it was the Liberal "Cancel Brexit" Democrats that forced the issue and Boris got enough support to call for the election. Then the Conservatives got a stonking majority as they say and we are getting on with Brexit - democracy restored Parliament back in its rightful place.


it would be more positive to call it " parliament cannot stop brexit negotations" or " parliament prevented from interfering with brexit negotiations"


"It is with great reluctance that I have agreed to this calling. I love democracy. I love the Republic. Once this crisis has abated, I will lay down the powers you have given me!" ... Palpatine


Boris Johnson: *this is how we will get brexit down and you can't do anything about this*


Well no, parliament still has control but it's a parliament that's aligned with the government now.


If they really wanted this, all they needed was to agree to the deal before the election. As Obama once famously said "elections have consequences".


Labor never really accepted the results of the 2016 referendum. They should have accepted one of the many offers made by May/Johnson. They didn't. This is the price.


Well, Leavers voted against the October version of the Agreement, didn't they? They were completely opposed to it, weren't they? No need to complain now.

In addition, at 1:37, the video says that the October version could cause deadlock of the negotiations due to the control by the Parliament. Deadlock and Parliament? This is impossible! We all know that Parliament has been the opposite of deadlock during the three last years. The new amendment proposed by Labor is the same: its goal is to make impossible any negotiation, not only because the control of the Parliament but also because all the insane requirements included in the amendment.

In short, you lost. You lost the referendum. You lost when you tried to use shenanigans to go against the outcome of the referendum. You lost the election. Get over it. It's called "democracy"


"we don't need scrutiny, trust us" is a very bad excuse for denying it


Whether or not the Opposition realizes it or not, this is the way the UK Parliament is supposed to work. This is the only way the UK electorate can force the executive and the elected MPs to take responsibility for their policies and decisions.


A more accurate statement is that parliament voted for the powers to be given to the government; not the powers were taken from parliament.


non-uk speaking from NZ here. the Government is right to remove the sweaters, Labour, Libdems have refused to accept any form of Brexit making compromise impossible if they're going to act like a bunch of children they don't deserve a seat at the table.


I think you meant to say, "Finally, Democracy Prevails!". The public knew exactly what they were going to get by giving the Torries an ABSOLUTE MAJORITY. They were TIRED of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE BEING IGNORED!


I'm starting to feel for the opposition less and less.
They all played by the same rules. No party was 100% truthful. No one really knows what happens next. Not everyone votes.
It took them 3 years to get Brexit done and the governments mandate to getting it done has only grown.
You can dread the results all you want, but there were other fellow British citizens that dreaded the alternative equally or more than you.

How about you show some pride in your country and make this the best Brexit ever!
You could even make it EU 2.0 if you get enough of a mandate and it'd be because you voted for it.
Not cause of some bureaucrat in Brussels whoms name you don't know cause you didn't vote for him.

Wanting the EU to come in and strangle your enemies to death just cause you don't like the fact there aren't enough carbon copies of you voting the way you wish to make what you want happen is not a way to treat your fellow citizens.
If you want to complain that's sort of similar to having a majority tory house than hats off to you. Your form of government wasn't supposed to spawn such massive majority.
Imagine what the opposition has done to people for them to have such a strong seat of power now, only for you to shout at them now. Pardon, you've likely never stopped shouting.
