David Miliband: U.S. can’t ‘get to grips’ with migrant crisis without addressing ‘root’ causes

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President and C.E.O. of the International Rescue Committee David Miliband joins Andrea Mitchell to share his view on the humanitarian situation at the southern border and discuss how the federal government should take action. “There have to be solutions, both at the root in the Northern Triangle of El Salvador, Guatemala, or Honduras, and along the route in Mexico and on the U.S. side of the border. If you only work on the U.S. side of the border, you're not going to get to grips with the problem,” Miliband says. “This is a very pivotal moment where people are looking to the U.S. for leadership. The administration is doing some very important and sensible measures. It's allowing people to claim asylum from outside the country. But we also believe it's vital that every case gets treated on its merits, and that's not yet being done.”

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David Miliband: U.S. can’t ‘get to grips’ with migrant crisis without addressing ‘root’ causes

#Title42 #immigration #BorderCrisis
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New York City is a sanctuary city, but is refusing to offer sanctuary, and is busing illegal immigrants elsewhere. How ironic 😂😂😂


If you are English and travel from England it’s very difficult to get in the USA . You need a passport and an ESTA to show you don’t have a criminal past and if you want to live and work there it’s not easy unless you have certain skills and you have to go through a long application process and prove you don’t need to rely on the country for money


The headline on this video references root causes, but the video itself barely mentions it. How can the US solve Central America's twin problems of corruption and poverty hundreds of miles away when we struggle with those same issues here in the USA?


Instead of immigration advocates trying to make America responsible for everyone else's problems they need to hold these foreign governments accountable for not being able to protect their own citizens


The root causes is that America’s immigration law is not being strictly enforced. We cannot account for the troubles of other foreign nations to include those of Central and South America. We cannot be a dumping ground for all the people of the world. Senator Kennedy promised that if his immigration bill was passed, we would no longer need amnesty in our immigration. Problem would be sold. And the Democrats we must keep the promise bead to the American people, and strictly enforce America’s immigration law.


Wait until they find out how expensive it is to live here! They'll be going back to Mexico 😅


It's our moral obligation they're fleeing games? Do they know they have gangs here? These people are coached in what to say


Please stop with the anecdotes of they were threatened by gangs. Everyone is going to claim that because it sounds good as a sob story. People need to fix their country, stay their & fight to make it better.


Reluctance in dealing with border crisis shall unfortunately lead to conflict between locals and foreigners


There are thousands of acres not being used on military installations, use those areas, tent structures, secure, safe.


Our city sent the busses back to its original location, I would say this city needs to do the same thing since they are not a sanctuary city


That is hilarious, the mayor crying because the Biden admin is blowing him off over the tsunami of border crossers. New Yorkers voted for open borders, he ran saying he would support border crossing migrants.. I wonder when it will hit them, that they have to limit the border crossers or we have no country left.


David Miliband is on the spot again! Only solutions built on the full acceptance of reality will be successful!!!!


I don’t care if these ppl come here I’ve been robbed, House broken into, my friend car broken into and stolen by other AMERICANS… no foreigner has ever bothered me. With that being said I don’t understand this notion of a person living in one city or town and being threatened and they feel they have to pack up and leave the entire country, that’s the part that makes no sense. There has to be some good areas in most of these countries. These people are coming from Jamaica, Brazil, Peru, some from turkey, chile, these are places where Americans and others vacation regularly. I can understand Venezuela and Nicaragua. So what happens if they are threatened here in the US, are they going to pack up and leave for the next country?? 😂😂


we are all migrants in the u.s.a. that is what the u.s.a is all about, thats what Makes us so special.people from all over the world living together in freedom. most of these people are good people just wanting a better life for there children and to live in free land.


Close up the boarders. This is ridiculous.


I wonder what all these migrants expect -- the "American Dream" (homeownership, job security, 3 meals/day, college education for their kids, decent healthcare/ dental care / mental healthcare, adequate retirement $$...) is barely attainable for many U.S. citizens anymore. However, if you are at risk of dying or starving in your home country and have absolutely no hope of improvement, I guess the U.S. looks pretty good.


root causes is capitalism and greed. Rich countries take resources from poor countries and without resources there can be no structure to build a society. While some do have resources but no tools to work with. Eg. good agriculture utensils and policies, . healthcare and welfare is also something not all countries have and the educated in those fields often move to richer areas and countries.


Are there any adults in this
administration ???...👈🤔..



I’m surprised that they want to live in America 😢
