Python | HackerRank Solutions
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Answers to all Python Hacker Rank Challenges.
Say "Hello, World!" With Python
Python If-Else: 0:10
Arithmetic Operators: 0:20
Peloton is hiring developers in New York!: 0:30
Python: Division: 0:40
Loops: 0:50
Write a function: 1:00
Print Function: 1:10
List Comprehensions: 1:20
Find the Runner-Up Score! : 1:30
Nested Lists: 1:40
Finding the percentage: 1:50
Lists: 2:00
Tuples : 2:10
sWAP cASE: 2:20
String Split and Join: 2:30
What's Your Name?: 2:40
Mutations: 2:50
Find a string: 3:00
String Validators: 3:10
Text Alignment: 3:20
Text Wrap: 3:30
Designer Door Mat: 3:40
String Formatting: 3:50
Alphabet Rangoli: 4:00
Capitalize!: 4:10
The Minion Game: 4:20
Merge the Tools!: 4:30
collections.Counter(): 4:50
Polar Coordinates: 5:10
Introduction to Sets: 5:20
DefaultDict Tutorial: 5:30
Calendar Module: 5:40
Exceptions: 5:50
Time Delta: 6:10
Find Angle MBC: 6:20
No Idea!: 6:30
Collections.OrderedDict(): 6:40
Symmetric Difference: 6:50
Incorrect Regex: 7:10
Set .add() : 7:20
Word Order: 7:40
Set .discard(), .remove() & .pop(): 7:50
Compress the String! : 8:10
Company Logo: 8:20
Set .union() Operation: 8:30
Piling Up!: 8:40
Triangle Quest 2: 8:50
Iterables and Iterators: 9:00
Set .intersection() Operation: 9:10
Mod Divmod: 9:20
Power - Mod Power: 9:30
Maximize It!: 9:40
Set .difference() Operation: 9:50
Integers Come In All Sizes: 10:00
Set .symmetric_difference() Operation: 10:10
Set Mutations: 10:20
Triangle Quest: 10:30
The Captain's Room : 10:40
Check Subset: 10:50
Check Strict Superset: 11:00
Classes: Dealing with Complex Numbers: 11:10
Class 2 - Find the Torsional Angle: 11:20
Zipped!: 11:30
Input(): 11:40
Python Evaluation: 11:50
Athlete Sort: 12:00
Any or All: 12:10
ginortS: 12:20
Detect Floating Point Number: 12:30
Map and Lambda Function: 12:40
Validating Email Addresses With a Filter : 13:00
Group(), Groups() & Groupdict(): 13:10
Reduce Function: 13:20
Regex Substitution: 13:50
Validating Roman Numerals: 14:00
Validating phone numbers: 14:10
Validating and Parsing Email Addresses: 14:20
Hex Color Code: 14:30
HTML Parser - Part 1: 14:40
HTML Parser - Part 2: 14:50
Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values: 15:00
XML 1 - Find the Score: 15:10
Validating UID : 15:20
Validating Credit Card Numbers: 15:30
XML2 - Find the Maximum Depth: 15:40
Standardize Mobile Number Using Decorators: 15:50
Validating Postal Codes: 16:00
Decorators 2 - Name Directory: 16:10
Matrix Script: 16:20
Words Score: 16:30
Arrays: 16:40
Shape and Reshape: 16:50
Default Arguments: 17:00
Transpose and Flatten: 17:10
Concatenate: 17:20
Zeros and Ones: 17:30
Eye and Identity: 17:40
Array Mathematics: 17:50
Floor, Ceil and Rint: 18:00
Sum and Prod: 18:10
Min and Max: 18:20
Mean, Var, and Std: 18:30
Dot and Cross: 18:40
Inner and Outer: 18:50
Polynomials: 19:00
Linear Algebra: 19:10
Say "Hello, World!" With Python
Python If-Else: 0:10
Arithmetic Operators: 0:20
Peloton is hiring developers in New York!: 0:30
Python: Division: 0:40
Loops: 0:50
Write a function: 1:00
Print Function: 1:10
List Comprehensions: 1:20
Find the Runner-Up Score! : 1:30
Nested Lists: 1:40
Finding the percentage: 1:50
Lists: 2:00
Tuples : 2:10
sWAP cASE: 2:20
String Split and Join: 2:30
What's Your Name?: 2:40
Mutations: 2:50
Find a string: 3:00
String Validators: 3:10
Text Alignment: 3:20
Text Wrap: 3:30
Designer Door Mat: 3:40
String Formatting: 3:50
Alphabet Rangoli: 4:00
Capitalize!: 4:10
The Minion Game: 4:20
Merge the Tools!: 4:30
collections.Counter(): 4:50
Polar Coordinates: 5:10
Introduction to Sets: 5:20
DefaultDict Tutorial: 5:30
Calendar Module: 5:40
Exceptions: 5:50
Time Delta: 6:10
Find Angle MBC: 6:20
No Idea!: 6:30
Collections.OrderedDict(): 6:40
Symmetric Difference: 6:50
Incorrect Regex: 7:10
Set .add() : 7:20
Word Order: 7:40
Set .discard(), .remove() & .pop(): 7:50
Compress the String! : 8:10
Company Logo: 8:20
Set .union() Operation: 8:30
Piling Up!: 8:40
Triangle Quest 2: 8:50
Iterables and Iterators: 9:00
Set .intersection() Operation: 9:10
Mod Divmod: 9:20
Power - Mod Power: 9:30
Maximize It!: 9:40
Set .difference() Operation: 9:50
Integers Come In All Sizes: 10:00
Set .symmetric_difference() Operation: 10:10
Set Mutations: 10:20
Triangle Quest: 10:30
The Captain's Room : 10:40
Check Subset: 10:50
Check Strict Superset: 11:00
Classes: Dealing with Complex Numbers: 11:10
Class 2 - Find the Torsional Angle: 11:20
Zipped!: 11:30
Input(): 11:40
Python Evaluation: 11:50
Athlete Sort: 12:00
Any or All: 12:10
ginortS: 12:20
Detect Floating Point Number: 12:30
Map and Lambda Function: 12:40
Validating Email Addresses With a Filter : 13:00
Group(), Groups() & Groupdict(): 13:10
Reduce Function: 13:20
Regex Substitution: 13:50
Validating Roman Numerals: 14:00
Validating phone numbers: 14:10
Validating and Parsing Email Addresses: 14:20
Hex Color Code: 14:30
HTML Parser - Part 1: 14:40
HTML Parser - Part 2: 14:50
Detect HTML Tags, Attributes and Attribute Values: 15:00
XML 1 - Find the Score: 15:10
Validating UID : 15:20
Validating Credit Card Numbers: 15:30
XML2 - Find the Maximum Depth: 15:40
Standardize Mobile Number Using Decorators: 15:50
Validating Postal Codes: 16:00
Decorators 2 - Name Directory: 16:10
Matrix Script: 16:20
Words Score: 16:30
Arrays: 16:40
Shape and Reshape: 16:50
Default Arguments: 17:00
Transpose and Flatten: 17:10
Concatenate: 17:20
Zeros and Ones: 17:30
Eye and Identity: 17:40
Array Mathematics: 17:50
Floor, Ceil and Rint: 18:00
Sum and Prod: 18:10
Min and Max: 18:20
Mean, Var, and Std: 18:30
Dot and Cross: 18:40
Inner and Outer: 18:50
Polynomials: 19:00
Linear Algebra: 19:10