Types of Motivation: Intrinsic and Extrinsic

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Each of us is motivated for different reasons, and the better you understand your own motivations, the better you can improve them.

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To talk about the motivation, it woth to mention that are two main types of it, The first one is the extrinsic, that means, the personal motivation process is related to external rewardings such as prizes*, on the outher hand, * the intrisinc process take in account the internal rewarding system to validade the worht of some effort. As expect, the types are not excludent between them, for exemple: in my effort to improve my english's skills in the majority of time, I experience the intrisinc motivation, usally I see as reward the confidance that is related to this knowladge, but this feeling is also associated to a nedd of external aproval, from my coleegs for sure*. But, in outher areas of my life, outher intrisic mechanism is present, the feeling of been make progress, like a game, is very present. At the end I feel that the intrisinc motivation is been more recorent in my life.
