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The Eh Bee Family is a family of 4 starring Mama Bee, Papa Bee, Mr. Monkey and Miss Monkey! We post new videos 4-5 times a week!
We love posting family friendly comedy skits, compilation videos, pancake challenges, squishy videos, slime videos, house vlogs, Amazing Vacations and Road Trips!

We also post funny baking and cooking videos. In the past we've made play-doh videos, unboxing videos and even cosplay videos. We love spending time together as a family and our goal is to make as many people as

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You wanna know a person that should be blessed? Read the first word again. 😊


You are so right!!! Sadly some of the people who have the most beautiful things have the worst issues with mental health because they are trying so hard to keep that perfect picture of themselves. We work hard to teach our kids this exact same thing. One of our favorite quotes is "be yourself, everyone else is taken."


Ms Monkey+Mr Monkey+Papa Bee+Mama Bee=THE BEST FAMILY EVER!


My advice to young kids: get off social media for awhile and *live* . Just live your life instead of reading about other people's. I don't blame you, you're a product of your environment. There was a time when people cared for each other so much more and flexing wasn't even a thing. It's so vapid. Life your true life and do good for others. Make a real difference in the world and try to make positive changes to help the less fortunate.


This is a great video I've ever watched in this year to talk about mental health. This is why I love the Eh Bee family.


My brother committed suicide in February and the life we thought he had was fake he had a family children but turns out really he was homeless his dream job had gone a couple months before hand and he lost his family and was living in a park as in a playground park in a tent that was his reality that he hid from his family ❤❤


I am following Eh Bee Family since Vine, Subscribed and turned on the notification on YT when they had 12k subscriber, I think this is the most worthy channel that I (or anyone) have ever subscribed. They teach you and make you a little bit better every time.


You guys are very very observant of things that happen around us and you guys help teach us your viewers lessons we should all put as our focus point in life! Awesome video!!!


Hi, this was an excellent video! This is so true. I feel like I do this a lot to myself so this video really helped me a lot so thank you

Edit: many likes


One of the reasons that I like about this family is that there is nothing fake about this family. You guys are the real deal. And you help me to get out of my depression with laughter. Thank you.


Social media has so many down sides and in my opinion it has changed society for the worse. Also, it's put unrealistic expectations on young people and the world has become a very shallow, looks/appearances based place. It's making people selfish and narcissistic. I agree with so much in your video. Thank you for being real with us.


Thank you guys so much for this video. As someone who struggles with depression and bipolar, this video means a lot and I feel like it will do a lot of good for a lot of people. And you guys are so positive, your videos (no matter what any given video is about) that they help different people in different ways so please keep putting these out. You guys are awesome!!


Raindrop, droptop get this to the top top


I really appreciate you guys making videos like these. I've been dealing with depression my whole life (still kinda dealing with it). It took me until I was 35 to just accept the things that I do and don't have and that there's a very high possibility that it will be all that life has to offer me. I'm not all the way happy for the things that I don't have, but I can honestly say that I'm not all the way sad/depressed for that very same reason.

Wish I had the courage to make videos like these to talk about it.


Right now, i just came home a little bit ago crying the most i have ever cried because of being sick and being bullied. you are so inspiring and i love you guys so much. your amazing, all of you!


I have had an anxiety disorder since I was little. I've been working with my principal from school to help spread awareness about Mental Illnesses. I love what you said about happiness isn't a choice. My anxiety gets so bad that it is impossible to be happy and I do get upset when people say that happiness is a decision. It isn't. It's harder then it looks to be happy. I would love to actually physically talk because I could really rant about this topic. Thank you so much for posting this video, you are the only youtubers I've seen that posted a video relating to mental health. Thanks again you have no idea how much this means to me. ❤️


I suffer from mental illness. Watching this video made me realize I do look at others lives and put myself down and feel bad about my life. I also know Epilepsy has done damage to my brain and is part of causing mental illness.


There is such a sense of calm in you mama Bee. I am a young mama and i find your truth videos so uplifting cause it is so different to other content I've seen. I love watching you two interact and have a conversation with each other. I have and still do suffer from depression and anxiety but I'm getting stronger everyday. Cutting out toxic people was the first thing i did and i am already doing so much better. Surrounding myself with love and kindness. Papa Bee the vidoes are always great you an amazing job. You all do. My son is only 2 but as soon as he's old enough you bet I'm going to show him your videos, we're going to binge watch them together hahaha.

Much love from Australia. 😊


You guys are so knowledgeable and inspiring



Talk about hitting the nail on the head. Such an awe inspiring video that tells people that many YouTubers are fake and that we really shouldn’t attempt to be them aged just to be yourself. Great work and I’ve donated.
