How Don Frye Fought Through His Pain in Pride FC #UFC #MMA

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Don Frye was one of the best fighters in the early UFC days. He is widely considered the first MMA fighter. Don Frye made his UFC debut at UFC 8, knocking out Thomas Ramirez in 8 seconds, then finishing Sam Adkins, and submitting Gary Goodridge to become the UFC 8 tournament champion on February 16, 1996. Don Frye then returned to the UFC at UFC 9 and finished Amaury Bitetti. Don then Returned at UFC 10, finishing Mark Hall, submitting Brian Johnston, but ultimately lost to Mark Coleman in the finals of UFC 10. Don was upset over his loss to Mark Coleman, returning to U-Japan to finish Mark hall and then entering the Ultimate Ultimate 96 tournament, finishing Gary Goodridge, submitting Mark Hall, and submitting Tank Abbott in the finals to become the Ultimate Ultimate 96 tournament champion. Don then left the UFC to become a Pro wrestler but eventually returned to MMA, submitting Eric Valdez, beating Gilbert Yvel, submitting Cyril Abidi, beating Ken Shamrock and then at pride 21 Don Frye faced Yoshihiro Takayama in the manliest fight in MMA history. Don Frye and Takayama punched each other in the face countless times but Ultimately Don Frye finished Yoshihiro Takayama. Don's career never reached the same heights again, suffering many losses after this fight, including Mark Coleman, Gary Goodridge, and others. Don Frye will be remembered as perhaps the greatest MMA fighter in the early UFC's and a UFC hall-of-famer revered for his authentic toughness and the manliness that characterized the best single year in MMA history.

#DonFrye #SeanStrickland #UFC
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I hear ya Mr. Frye 25 years of construction and partying, bar fights, left me in the same pain boat. I'm clean now, but in pain. 😅


Don was a real beast who always gave 110%loved watching him fight


Living in pain, serious deep pain, every day is no joke it Sucks!


That Curried Beef I got from that West Indian restaurant at 7 pm last night had me 'burning the candle at both ends, ' too!


I lost my career in 2015 when my spine became too deteriorated and I lost use of both hands. 7 surgeries later I'm still having to be on pain meds( legally) just to walk with my grandkids. Not every person who is addicted to pain pills is a junkie.
I am not addicted to pain pills. I'm addicted to LIVING. I know i won't grow to an old age and have made peace with that fact. If the politicians made pain pills illegal id take them illegally.


We love you son your the greatest of all time America loves you brother


I think Dan Severn said: in his first contract winning the tournament he got $1500. And if you died you got nothing.


Don has the coolest voice of all time. Like slingblade, but more rough.


I can relate to Mr Frye. Without the prize fighting of course. I’m only in my 40s but due to the life I’ve lived with sports, partying(in my 20s which involved fighting) and the large amounts of physical labor I depend on physically therapy, chiropractors and opioids just to make it through each week. Not only am I too proud to stop, but too many people depend on me each day


Meanwhile nick diaz is losing his career over weed you could really just take anything back then


I been on Percocet for 10 years and I know exactly what your going through


I watched a Don Frye fight with my two year old son and out of nowhere I heard my wife scream look in the mirror..we both grew full mustaches lol..


I told the doctors over & over. I don't want to mask the pain I want to get better. At that time it seemed as if they were getting kickbacks from the pharmaceutical companies because you could in with a papercut & leave with a script !


Listen I grew up with these guys but must say Dan Severn is still my fave
