Sharks - Creepy Sea Creature Facts | Mocomi Kids Educational Videos

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Did you know that sharks eat even other sharks? Find out more facts about these creepy creatures in this video!
The small carpet shark lies on the ocean floor like a rug.
Blue sharks are called the wolves of the sea because they stay together in packs.
The most dangerous shark in the sea is the great white shark, named after its white belly.
Sharks never sleep and don’t stop swimming, as they do not have air balloons like other fish in them, which makes them sink.
A shark has a very small brain.
Bull sharks are one of the few sharks that can live both in fresh water and sea water.
A hammerhead shark has an eye and a nostril on each end of its hammer-shaped head. As it swims it keeps swinging its head from side to side, picking up signals from the water.
A Cookiecutter shark has jaws that are perfectly round like a cookie or biscuit. When it sinks its teeth into its prey, it tears out a cookie-shaped mouthful.
Basking sharks swim with their mouth wide open, trapping tiny sea creatures along the way.
The Tasselled Wobbegong shark has frills of skin around its mouth. These frills look like bits of seaweed, that small fish swim up to and nibble, ending up being eaten by the shark instead.
Port Jackson sharks like to feed at night. They rest during the day in gaps between the rocks.
The angel shark rests on the seabed- it flaps its fin to cover itself with sand that it becomes almost invisible.
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