Super Simple Ways To Become A More Exciting Person

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Discover The 4 Emotions You Need To Make a Killer First Impression:

Or if you want to see me playing music - Instagram: @CharlieHoupert

Today in this video, we share six tips of psychological tricks to make people like you immediately. We don't always realize it but it is often in very small moments that people decide whether they like us or whether they don't and that is why in this video, I want to give you 6 things that you can use to make people like you immediately. Starting with the first one, a very specific type of compliment because you're not going to compliment people on what they have, you're going to compliment people on what they've earned and worked for.

The truth about compliments is, yes, it feels amazing when people compliment us; of course, we like that. But when it comes to compliments, it often turns out to be that people are hearing the same ones over and over. For instance, maybe they have really nice eyes or they have a good sense of style and when they start to hear that over and over, it can become something that doesn't mean much to them. If you can be the person that finds out what they are working on and notices that while they're still working and struggling and then compliments them on that, it will hit them so hard.

0:19 Compliment people on what they've earned
2:05 Get them to talk about what they love
3:09 Share a truth that is to your detriment
4:56 Open body language
5:47 Exceed expectations without asking permission
7:46 Be the first person to joke

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Instagram: @CharismaOnCommand
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This entire channel is a psychopath's goldmine.


This can't continue, I'm seeing you more than I see my boyfriend.


Here's a quick recap to copy and save! (But still watch the video for details!)

1. Compliment people on what they achieved, instead of what they were born with!

2. Get people to share with you what they love, and you'll forge a deeper connection.

3. Be totally honest with people about what's in their best interest (not yours). Even if it means losing their business, you'll win their respect.

4. Use open body language. For example: hands out and relaxed, but respectful.

5. Exceed expectations without asking! Surprise people by being extra thoughtful.

6. Be the first person to joke or put people at ease! This makes people respect you even more for helping them relax and enjoy themselves.


Bet that person who complimented your singing voice added: “Oh and also, you have an awesome smile”


It's crazy how you guys make these videos without any cuts, you just talk the whole time. I feel like this is very rare on YT (also why I stick to animation)

What is your routine before getting in your "Charisma state" Do you work out? Meditate?


1. Compliment people for what they've earned (not what they have)
2. Ask people:
> How do you like that?
If not good, move on. If good, follow up with:
> Tell me what you like about it!
(Active Listening, ask people to expound)
3. Be honest with what you think is in people's best interests
4. Open body language
5. Be thoughtful and do a favor for people without them knowing (for people you know)
> i.e. getting a drink for your friend
6. Be the first person to joke


Whoever subscribed to this channel, know that you are upgrading and improving yourself and that is the best thing you can be doing right now


I was awkward as hell before i found this channel.
Now im awkward with style.


I can't stress enough how we are first humans and then a job description or position. When people finally digest that reality, they start connecting with others much more easily. Great content! (as usual)


9:23 I used to have a classmate who's father had terminal cancer. We became friends during that time, in part because he said I was one of the only people able to make him laugh due to his saddening home situation. When I was talking to him at his dad's funeral, I could see that the loss was crushing him, but I managed to make him smile a couple of times. He hasn't been in my class for 3 years now, but we still hang out once in a while because we grew so close during what was such a hard time for him.So although I agree that it is generally not a great idea to be cracking jokes at a funeral, if done correctly it can be an incredibly powerful way of lifting the spirits of those affected.


I'm sitting here listening to every word but also thinking "I wonder what tricks he's using to capture my attention, and why do I suddenly love him?".


My fiancée and I have been working out everyday since October and my family needed help carrying a couch downstairs. I ended up on the bottom end of the couch and was able to carry it relatively easily and my step-dad said “wow, someone has been working out!” It made me feel awesome!!


Could you cover the charisma of Jack Sparrow?


Dude, I'm a business major and the tip you said about honesty is BIG. It's a great marketing skill. Thanks for the information.


1. Specific compliment to things they've worked to gain.

2. Find out what people like then get them to tell you about it or their love for it.

3. Display your honesty without pretending to be honest.

4. Open body language.

5. Spoil people with your service.

6. Be the first to joke or be funny.


I love asking people if they liked something and if yes, why they liked it. Their answers always give me an insight into who they are.


Video idea: How to respond to people’s jokes?

I find myself forcefully laughing at other people’s jokes because I’m worried I may make them feel bad if they think I don’t find it funny. Your videos are a great help by the way. I’ve implemented much of these lessons and have found myself enjoying social interactions more than I already did. Thanks!


I really Love number 3: Putting Honesty as a Principle above your interests. It's difficult to do for sure and it hurts sometimes, but I'm confident that it'll pay off in the end.


I do a lot of research about this and have tried many of these tactics, with great success

I evolved form semi awkward teenager into a social butterfly. Thank you for this content, and I hope the viewers take these tips as seriously as I do.


My teacher told me to read a poem from a book we were reading in class and a friend of mine complimented my way of reading poems. I never thought anything special about literature, but the compliment made me feel great. The rest of the class also acknowledged it which made me feel even better. That compliment was a million times better than any girl saying I was cute.
