Fatma Said, Marianne Crebassa – Offenbach: Barcarolle: Belle nuit ô nuit d’amour (Contes d'Hoffmann)

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The program presents, in Fatma's words, "a montage of many different songs and arias, each with its own kind of story to tell through a particular style of music – and rhythm." The thread that weaves them together is the theme of dance: "I’ve always felt inspired by the physical and internal movement in dancing – whether with a partner or alone – and for me it represents another way of expressing myself."

Video produced by Daniela Cattaneo Diaz, Creo+
Direction and editing: Tommaso Pasi
Producer: Isabel Rosanova

#ClassicalMusic #Offenbach #Opera


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Рекомендации по теме

Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour
Souris à nos ivresses
Nuit plus douce que le jour
Ô belle nuit d'amour!

Le temps fuit et sans retour
Emporte nos tendresses
Loin de cet heureux séjour
Le temps fuit sans retour

Zéphyrs embrasés
Versez-nous vos caresses
Zéphyrs embrasés
Donnez-nous vos baisers!

Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour
Souris à nos ivresses
Nuit plus douce que le jour
Ô belle nuit d'amour!
Ô belle nuit d'amour!
Ô souris à nos ivresses!
Nuit d'amour, ô nuit d'amour!

Zéphyrs embrasés
Versez-nous vos caresses
Zéphyrs embrasés
Donnez-nous vos baisers!

Belle nuit, ô nuit d'amour
Souris à nos ivresses
Nuit plus douce que le jour
Ô belle nuit d'amour!
Ô belle nuit d'amour!
Ô souris à nos ivresses!
Nuit d'amour, ô nuit d'amour!
Ah! Ah!
This is the lyrics.


Whoever is paired with Marianne Crebassa, she vocally mirrors, without overpowering the soprano. Thank you for this, truly a joy to hear.


OMG when they are singing together it's just exquisite. In a world where we've had this for hundreds of years why can't we just chill...


the engineering that went into the placing of the microphones to keep the voices balanced alone in this performance is incredible... im sure both women went through crazy extents to not overpower eacthoer.. but the microphone setup clearly indicates they spent A LOT of time perfecting this and it shows in the performance.

i have never in my life hear such a perfect harmony of voices... truly incredible.

it truly sounds as if these two women are trying to convince the other that they have the most beautiful voice in the world and they dont believe it so they must compare.. even though each of them is complimenting the other in the best way they possibly could imagine.. only making each of them sound even more angelic..

time for me to learn french..


The two voices sound absolutely beautiful together. One of the best recordings ever!!!


I wish there were a scientific formula that explains to the most simple minded of us why certain pieces of music are so sublime and make such an impression on our brains.


Marianne is simply the most sublime mezzo. Other-worldly!


When they sang in unison, it’s like one voice. How brilliant is this!


Сердце замирает, когда слушаешь несравненных певиц.Низкий поклон.😊


Fatma Saïd, quelle voix magnifique. Vraiment exceptionnelle.


Perfectly matched singers. Wonderfully performed.


Самое любимое исполнение этой баркароллы! Певицы такие красивые, а в их голосах и исполнении столько нежности! Обожаю, всегда её переслушиваю в романтичном настроении


Undoubtedly the best version of this song. Perfectly complimenting each other's distinct voices the singers have created an impeccable piece. Credit must also be given to the sound engineer and the orchestra


Marianne Crebassa is so perfect for this. I love this woman!


We men have to step back.
We can never reach this level of beauty. Mesmerizing.


My soul is twined with the beauty of this song. I can't tire myself listening to it.


No doubt one of the most beautiful interpretations of this amazing piece of Offenbach I have ever listened to. Dear Fatma Said and Marianne Crebassa, you are absolutely splendid, thank you so much for this awesome gift 💖


With Marianne Crebassa you just know its going to be superb .. and it was.. magnificently so! Not to say Fatima was any the less in this duet, she too was excellent! A thoroughly enjoyable performance 🏆👍👏👏


Sublime. Two great voices in perfect harmony. Crebassa's mezzo tone is pure silk.


Une nouvelle génération de qualité qui comprend le texte et chante divinement
