#pov Persephone chooses to stay with Hades so Demeter sets a fatal winter. (Collab@CrazyCae) #shorts

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Omg yes finally someone who doesn’t show Persephone as “innocent flower goddess” bc honestly she was absolutely terrifying


In Greek mythology Hades was the only spouse (besides for maybe Hera) who didnt cheat on his partner or try to sabotage or hurt them in any way. Instead Hades’ protected Persephone at all costs! Even eternally punishing two brothers who tried to take her from him!

And when somebody tricked Persephone in letting him out of the underworld, he eternally punished him, too! By pushing a rock up a hill and have it fall down once he reached the top.

It was believed that if you said Persephone (and Hades’) name (even in the Spring) that you’d die. Because she was a bringer of death, the queen of the underworld. She was a bad omen and a woman to be respected and worshipped. She was calling “the angry” or “the terrifying”. She’s also called “savior” and “bringer of justice”. If you do more research you will also find _Pherepapha._ Which is believed to be one of her original names meaning “wise”. As she supposedly led men into finding wisdom

Basically, dont mess with Persephone.

edit: she has dozens of names. I couldn’t keep track of them all. A lot of them start with P.


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Both of you should read 'A Touch of Darkness' its about their relation ship, plus it was so good!


demeter controlled persephone wayy too much
hades let her out of her prison and let her be her ruthless and terrifying self
the perfect couple goals
and last but not least he respected her and was the most loyal spouse to her and loved her


I just watched this movie for the first time last week so thats a coincidence 😅
The song is called “Let My People Go”*Prince of Egypt*


In one of the versions he actually came up from the under world and saw her dancing. He fell in love with her and would come up to watch her. One day Persephone saw him and invited him to dance with her. They fell in love and Persephone wanted to see the under world. Hades what hesitant at first but she eventually got him to agree. She loves the under world and would grow flowers all over the castle. She loved it so much she didn’t want to leave. But she still loved her mother, she was conflicted. Hades thought of a solution where he would feed her a pomegranate and however many seeds she ate she would go to the over-world and be with her mother. Persephone missed Hades but stayed with her mother those months. Hades would wear a crown of red roses that Persephone had made whenever she was gone. When she would return they would both wear one. But Persephones had little golden pomegranate beads on hers. I hope you like this version. I know I do.


I know Kore/Persephone is a scary and respectable lady but boy do I still think she’s the coolest I love them all but she’s so spectacular


YAY YOU GUYS ARE USING PRINCE OF EGYPT SONGS!!! I’m sorry for all caps I’m just excited 😂✨


So when I learned about Persephone I learned that she was actually kidnapped by Hades. Persephone was the child of Demeter (goddess of hunt) Every where Persephone went flowered would be around her, she was a loving and king person, even Hades knew about her. So one day when her and her mother were out on Earth, Persephone stepped away from Demeter which then lead her to be kidnapped by Hades. In the underworld (where Hades lives) Persephone was depressed and hated it there all she wanted to be with her mother. Hades gave her stuff to welcome her, jewels and stones to introduce her as the Queen of the underworld. Eventually, Demeter found out where Persephone was and went to Zues and demanded him to do something or she wouldn’t take care of nature (trees would die and stuff like that). Zues did but there was one problem. Persephone ate something from the underworld so she was “apart of the underworld.” So Zues agrees with Hades that Persephone would spend time with her mother and than go back to the underworld. Even though Demeter was heartbroken she agreed. She then caused a freezing winter but it’s said that because of the myth, that’s why we have seasons.


I love how he was the only one who stayed loyal to his wife throughout all time I love their love story❤




Yay for the Moulin Rouge song in second half. 🥰


I love this duet soo much, both of you are amazing actress, the emotions with the make-up make together original and beautiful video ✨❤️


I loved hearing hearing Moulin Rouge outside if it’s an ex, it was beautiful


omg i love moulin rouge. it’s my fave movie (where the sound is from btw)


It’s remarkable and amazing) The greatest love bond between King of darkness and Innocent flower❤🥰💐🌸


The audio for this was actually for an animated movie about Moses.
Great acting ❤️❤️


Song name: the plauges
Its form the prince if Egypt the sing represents the power of god and the 10 plauges god has showered upon Egypt by granting moses the power to his staff and always standing beside him


Moulin rouge is amazing (the song is from that) highly recommended (if ur older tho you’ll just understand it better)