Area approximation The trapezium rule | Exam style questions | A level MATHs Revision 2020

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A level MATHs Revision 2020 | Integration The trapezium rule | Area approximation using trapezium rule
A level MATHs NEW syllabus 2020 - 2022:
INTEGRATION: The trapezium rule (area approximation, definite integral estimation)
This is a video related to Calculus explains The trapezium rule and shows how to apply it to Exam-style problems and questions for A level MATHs NEW syllabus 2020 - 2022
The basic question is How to Approximate area under the curve using the trapezium rule.
The video tutorial explains shortly how the idea of Riemann Sums for approximating the area under the curve using left endpoints, right endpoints, and the midpoint rule can be used for another approximation: trapeziums. Summing up the areas of trapeziums we can arrive to the formula of the trapezium for definite integral estimation.
And finally we are going through Exam-style question for new syllabus A-level MATHs 2020 where we are applying the rule to a specific problem
General terms and concepts for Numerical Integration that you need to be aware of:
1. Area Under Curve Problems and questions
2. Using Rectangles to Estimate the Area of the Shaded Region
3. Riemann Sums - Left Endpoints and Right Endpoints
4. Midpoint Rule - Best Estimation
5. Over approximation vs Under Approximation - Left & Right Endpoints - Increasing and Decreasing Functions
6. Area of Rectangle using the formula f(x) / height vs delta x / width
7. Definition of the Definite Integral
8. Finding the Area Using the Definite Integral
9. Graphing the Rectangles Using Midpoint, Left and Right Endpoints
10. Evaluating the Definite Integral Using Sigma Notation & Limits at Infinity
11. Riemann Sums
12. Area Approximation
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A level MATHs NEW syllabus 2020 - 2022:
INTEGRATION: The trapezium rule (area approximation, definite integral estimation)
This is a video related to Calculus explains The trapezium rule and shows how to apply it to Exam-style problems and questions for A level MATHs NEW syllabus 2020 - 2022
The basic question is How to Approximate area under the curve using the trapezium rule.
The video tutorial explains shortly how the idea of Riemann Sums for approximating the area under the curve using left endpoints, right endpoints, and the midpoint rule can be used for another approximation: trapeziums. Summing up the areas of trapeziums we can arrive to the formula of the trapezium for definite integral estimation.
And finally we are going through Exam-style question for new syllabus A-level MATHs 2020 where we are applying the rule to a specific problem
General terms and concepts for Numerical Integration that you need to be aware of:
1. Area Under Curve Problems and questions
2. Using Rectangles to Estimate the Area of the Shaded Region
3. Riemann Sums - Left Endpoints and Right Endpoints
4. Midpoint Rule - Best Estimation
5. Over approximation vs Under Approximation - Left & Right Endpoints - Increasing and Decreasing Functions
6. Area of Rectangle using the formula f(x) / height vs delta x / width
7. Definition of the Definite Integral
8. Finding the Area Using the Definite Integral
9. Graphing the Rectangles Using Midpoint, Left and Right Endpoints
10. Evaluating the Definite Integral Using Sigma Notation & Limits at Infinity
11. Riemann Sums
12. Area Approximation
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