It has the same sounds as countless other Casio models, but it presents itself in a cheerful, nicely designed casing that will please owners for decades to come :)
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The CTK-480 uses the A^2 Basic sound source
I learn with this keyboard now 20 years later play with stage 4
You are right Bro... That one is cute and sounds Cute as well... Organs are ok... The main Piano is, well... "Quacky" 😊... It has some old fashioned 80s usable Videogames Effects... The Auto accompaniment sounds hilarious... Thank You for Sharing Bro!
You say you do not often review the older Casios as they sound much the same, but there can't be that many left that you have not reviewed. Those older reviews are a god sent for those of us who have a 'thing' about the old 'tablehooters'.
On my wish list would be if you were able to revisit some of those older keys, say just one example of each major sound generation type and record it with the better quality mics and audio we have today, similarly with the older reviews of vintage (cheap) multi effects unit and pedals. Thank you for your work; enthusiasm and humour it is much appreciated.
Luv the old Girls i have some Retro Keyboards in my collection, i remember a couple of years ago i commented on your awesome page that i had a DJX, since then i've added a couple more like a PSR37, PSS470, Casio SA75, Casio PT87, Casio SA46, Korg i said Luv the Old Skool Stuff, keep up the Minted Post's Bud...👍🏻
For more than two decades all Casio's low-end Keybords were almost sound like this one, including CTK-240 which was be showed in your earlier video. I've got several keybords like this too such as CTK-501, LK-35, LK-103, LK-125, LK-48.
The sounds that are in this keyboard are also there in the somewhat newer Casios like the CTK-240 & the CTK-1300.
Just bought one for practicing and learning basics for around 29$ here in Pakistan
Como fazer o resete deste teclado ? O meu sai som mas os comandos dos botoes nao respondem.
I've found one for 50€. Is it a good value to start?
Just bought one for practicing and learning basics for around 29$ here in Pakistan