Your questions on the cost of living crisis answered

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The average cost of filling a typical family car with petrol has surpassed £100 for the first time.

We put your questions on the cost of living crisis to a panel of experts, including personal finance expert Bola Sol, policy director at the Child Poverty Action Group Sara Ogilvie and economist Frank van Lerven.


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As an American I appreciate your programs. It great to hear opinions from outside of America. Excellent content.


Yeah, transport is expensive, but working from home is also expensive because during the winter we would spend much more money on our heating if we would be working from home. As when we are home whole day every day, we will have to keep our homes warm whole day. And companies should be asked by the government to pay energy bills for people whom are working from home


Invest some money into British households! with options for renewable energy installs such as solar ! This will help with the impact of the electric and gas costs and hand in hand help with NetZero targets ! 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


So if UK is not importing fuel from Russia, that means that the price of it should not go up in UK. But as they have explained, that the price went up because it has to be the same as in Europe, therefore those energy companies in Britain are hugely profiting on this increase as compare to Europe, they do not paying more for the fuel themselves, but they are charging public more !!! This is disgusting!!! And government is supporting this !!!


"Free School Meals" are not free... They are paid for by us the taxpayer... However personally I do not begrudge paying for the wee mites to have a good scoff any day of the week... Bless them...


Why is there always people saying “tax those with the broader shoulders”.. middle class are ending up worse off! The rich don’t pay taxes… Cut the failed/heavily overrun government projects, cut the money spent on rubbish by the government and cut the back handed deals to MP’s friends..


get a ebike 50mph less than 1000 30 miles range on throttle no pedallaling
i have scooetrs 5 in total 130 miles range max speed 50mph for all of them cost me 1800, 00 pounds



The rich are really making money now 👏 👏 👏 👏


This horror show is going to go on for years, I'm just hoping this winter is another mild one.


Cost of living is not going up, news talk is causing the costs to go up.


Two rules in my life Rule One NEVER WASTE MONEY, Rule Two NEVER FORGET RULE ONE. Last 28 years of my life I've saved 70% of my income every month recently invested that money paying cash for a property in Asia for my retirement. I heat my home and water free using wood I collet daily in local forest while walking my dog daily. Pay no water rates due to a private free water surply from a stream next to my house. Grow most of my food and get bargains daily at supermarkets before they close. Most things in life I need I make including furniture and making my own wine from collected fruits and berry's. I avoid paying all forms of taxes legally. Where there's a will there's a way. Never show your wealth and any thing that free take it.


This is more than wats going on in Ukraine


haha english gov doing long term solutions what a joke
