Webpack 2 - A full tutorial
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00:00 Initiating project, installing Webpack 2
09:31 Creating our first module
13:13 Creating Webpack settings file + watch mode
16:57 Hot Reload & Hot Module Replacement
26:19 Separating production and development build
30:48 Using Babel to transpile ES2016/ES6 to ES5, and adding your first loader
37:05 Adding source map
44:30 Adding an image with file-loader
49:00 Adding an image with url-loader
54:00 Tree shaking + UglifyJS to eliminate dead code
1:05:46 Adding CSS with style-loader and css-loader
1:12:44 Extract from head to a separate css-file with ExtractTextPlugin
1:19:07 Generating a HTML file when building with HTMLWebpackPlugin
1:25:00 Code splitting and loading code on demand
1:32:30 Adding an external module/library
1:38:20 Final comments and links
This tutorial is suited for you who've never used Webpack before and you who've used it but don't really understand what's happening in those configuration files you've downloaded from someone elses boilerplate.