Choose One Dish! 😱 GOOD vs BAD Food Edition 😍🤮

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Choose One Dish! 😱 GOOD vs BAD Food Edition 😍🤮 In this food quiz we'll present you three dishes - two delicious and one disgusting. Let's see if you are lucky and pick the delicious ones! This is a super fun and easy game to play.

Are you up for this challenge? Then let's have some fun with this video!

This is how it works:
In this challenge, we'll show you 35 different pairs of platters with cover and you have to choose one of them. After the timer runs out, you'll see what's inside. We wish you a lot of fun!

What FOOD do you absolutely hate? 🤮
Let us know in the COMMENTS! 💬

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Can You Also Beat Our Previous Quizzes? 👀💪

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What FOOD do you absolutely hate? 🤮 Comment down below! 😄👇

And now let's play some WOULD YOU RATHER FOOD challenges:

Can't stop watching your videos. Keep them coming!😃


Vote :- For Choose Your Gift Box Video


I like the number 2 cake 😊 and #2 for chocolate candy


Food prank idea:

It involves Oreos.

Grab a Oreo. Take the cream off the Oreo. Eat the cream if u want. Replace the cream with toothpaste or anything else u can think of. Put the other half of Oreo back on. Do this to more Oreos if u want.
