Ruling on the one who mocks the methodology of the Salaf by Shaykh Sulayman Ar Ruhayli

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Ruling on the one who mocks the methodology of the Salaf by Shaykh Sulayman Ar Ruhayli
ما حكم من استهزاء بمنهج السلف

May Allah reward you and be good to you. This one says; What is the ruling upon one who mocks the methodology (manhaj) of the salaf? Is he a disbeliever (kaafir)?

The methodology of the salaf (pious predecessors), firstly brothers, it is the shari'ah. The methodology of the salaf in reality is the shari'ah. Why? Because the shari'ah as shaykh ul Islam Ibnu Taymiyyah may Allahs mercy be upon him

said; that which is in the book of Allah, and the sunnah of the messenger ﷺ , and what the Salaf were upon it. So this is the shari'ah and this is salafiyyah.

even if you wanted to summarise salafiyyah, you won't find anything better than this. Sticking to the book of Allah, the sunnah (of the messenger ﷺ ), and what the Salaf of this ummah (nation) were upon.

Whoever knows the reality of Salafiyyah, he wont consider it permissible to mock the methodology of the salaf, nor will he do it.

however, many of the people they are ignorant. So whoever reviles
Salafiyyah, which he knows about it, or judges it, or sees it from the people, and says this isn't it's appearence (i.e. salafiyyah). We now know they are liars

They name in the name of Salafiyyah and they're not from it. Now, the takfeeriyun (declare muslims as kuffar without right) and shed muslim blood. They name themselves Salafiyeen. By Allah! Salafiyyah is free from them, completely!

and it doesn't fall upon their faces (i.e. reality of salafiyyah) except the salafiyoon. So whoever reviles salafiyyah and he asumes he's upon it. However in reality he is not upon it, or he sees it in a person, or which was communicated to him

or the likes of these examples. So this one is ignorant, he harms. So if you harm and persist in reviling salafiyyah not knowing that is the shari'ah of Allah, and this returns to reviling Allah! And mockery of Allah's religion.

As for before that, then no, he his taught and it's clarified to him, if possible. And before he knew, then he was misguided, ignorant. It's not said he is mocking the religion of Allah because he mocked salafiyyah as we described earlier.
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