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Hey Guys I won a math debate here with another video for patch 3.10. As always don’t forget to like and subscribe! Today we are going to be looking at the jungle and giving you some tips and tricks on how to play this role in patch 3.10. So to start off the first thing the jungler does in 3.10 is clear the jungle! Nice! Youre going to clear it “hopefully all of it” alone and uninterrupted and that’s your main job for the majority of the laning phase and such, but what else can you do to push for that win?

First always keep an eye on you bot and top laners. Odds are one or both will overextend and get into trouble or be crunched up like a baby in lane. You need to help them out with ganks, freezes, and pushing.

So GANKING “lets talk about it” Ganking for those that don’t know is grouping up to ambush and kill your enemies. As the jungler you need to come into lane and gank the enemy laner with your laner and hopefully secure the kill and that sweet tasty bounty. Ganking is fun, ganking wins games, but there are few things to remember when doing so. First gank where you have vision. Make sure that your enemy isn’t going to see you coming from a mile away and then just run. Use scout cams to check in the brush where you can ambush for an attack.
Secondly know where the enemies jungle and captain are on the map. You don’t want to go for a 2v1 and get caught in a 3v2 only to end up both dying. Try to track which side of the map the enemy jungler is on and gank to the opposite. Then finally know your odds when ganking. If youre taka, I am sorry but odds are youre not going to solo grumpjaw when you have full health but a half health grumpjaw might be someone you can take advantage of. Mmm.

So after your gank there are a few ways it could have gone: either you killed the enemy and then are now going to be clearing the minions for a push. Great this one is always easy and makes you happy or it seems a lot of the time the laner that was with you some how ends up dead or recalling now that youre there leaving you with all his minions. Yes it is tempting to kill them. No you shouldn’t kill them all. This is when you should freeze the lane for your teammate as to no deprive him of gold. Basically you even out the number of minions and then only kill them right before they are about to die so the gold isn’t wasted. Typically even letting their lane push a bit is a good thing so that you’re depriving their laner of gold.

Then you will repeat repeat repeat until eventually both teams are running around like little pack of goats. Playing chicken with one another. This next part leaves a lot of junglers wondering what the heck to do with their hero. They say to themselves “I am not celeste and I cant throw down crazy AOE damage to wipe out their team” then they just attack the closest player and usually get destroyed because it wasn’t the right thing to do. Your goal as the jungler during teamfights is usually, depending on your hero, to target their most fed damage dealer and focus all attacks on that player. Usually these players are squishy as heck so give it to em good. Focus that baron, skaarf, and gwen whoever it is so that your team can clean up the mess and then take that dragon.

A couple other things to focus on during the game if this all isn’t enough, while rotating around the map pop in on enemy jungle camps for a quick clear to start starving their jungler, quite a few heroes depending on their build can solo dragons. If the enemy team is clearly far away or very busy with turret on the opposite side of the map take advantage of this. Then finally if there is nothing else to do and you can clear jung, gank, or steal anything. Hangout for ambient gold in lane. With that I leave you! I hope this was all helpful and can make you a more effective jungler! Don’t forget to like a subscribe please! I’ll see you all next time and enjoy the rest of the gameplay

Scorpions - Rock You Like A HurrVAINGLORY
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Hey man, great VG videos! I was just wondering how you edit and voice over them? Good luck for the future


Small and big hive both alive and looking :)
